"This book is incredibly complete and easy-to-understand for anybody. I certainly recommend it for patients who want to know more about atrial fibrillation than what they will learn from doctors...."

Pierre Jaïs, M.D. Professor of Cardiology, Haut-Lévêque Hospital, Bordeaux, France

"Dear Steve, I saw a patient this morning with your book [in hand] and highlights throughout. She loves it and finds it very useful to help her in dealing with atrial fibrillation."

Dr. Wilber Su Cavanaugh Heart Center, Phoenix, AZ

"Your book [Beat Your A-Fib] is the quintessential most important guide not only for the individual experiencing atrial fibrillation and his family, but also for primary physicians, and cardiologists."

Jane-Alexandra Krehbiel, nurse, blogger and author "Rational Preparedness: A Primer to Preparedness"


"Steve Ryan's summaries of the Boston A-Fib Symposium are terrific. Steve has the ability to synthesize and communicate accurately in clear and simple terms the essence of complex subjects. This is an exceptional skill and a great service to patients with atrial fibrillation."

Dr. Jeremy Ruskin of Mass. General Hospital and Harvard Medical School

"I love your [A-fib.com] website, Patti and Steve! An excellent resource for anybody seeking credible science on atrial fibrillation plus compelling real-life stories from others living with A-Fib. Congratulations…"

Carolyn Thomas, blogger and heart attack survivor; MyHeartSisters.org

"Steve, your website was so helpful. Thank you! After two ablations I am now A-fib free. You are a great help to a lot of people, keep up the good work."

Terry Traver, former A-Fib patient

"If you want to do some research on AF go to A-Fib.com by Steve Ryan, this site was a big help to me, and helped me be free of AF."

Roy Salmon Patient, A-Fib Free; pacemakerclub.com, Sept. 2013


FAQs A-Fib Treatments: Medicines and Drug Therapies

FAQs A-Fib Treatments: Medicines and Drug Therapies

Drug Therapies for Atrial Fibrillation, A-Fib, Afib

Drug Therapies for Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial Fibrillation patients often search for unbiased information and guidance about medicines and drug therapy treatments. These are answers to the most frequently asked questions by patients and their families. (Click on the question to jump to the answer.)

1. “Which medications are best to control my Atrial Fibrillation?” “I have a heart condition. What medications work best for me?

2. “Is the “Pill-In-The-Pocket” treatment a cure for A-Fib? When should… Continue reading

FAQs Understanding A-Fib: Questions from Patients

FAQs Understanding Your A-Fib A-Fib.comFAQs: Understanding Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial Fibrillation patients often have loads of “Why?” and “How?” questions. Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions by patients and their families. (Click on the question to jump to the answer.)

1. Why does so much Atrial Fibrillation come from the Pulmonary Vein openings?

2. Is my Atrial Fibrillation genetic? Will my children get A-Fib too? Updated!

3. Why do older people get Atrial Fibrillation more than younger people?

4. Is Atrial Fibrillation… Continue reading

FAQs Understanding A-Fib: Paroxysmal to Persistent A-Fib, What Causes the Progression?

 FAQs Understanding A-Fib: Paroxysmal to Chronic

FAQs Understanding Your A-Fib A-Fib.com6. What causes Paroxysmal (occasional) A-Fib to turn into Persistent (chronic) A-Fib?

Researchers are still working to find the answer(s) to this question. We do know that some patients remain paroxysmal (usually with anti-arrhythmic therapy), while a large proportion progress to persistent A-Fib. (In a study of 5,000+ A-Fib patients, 54% of those on rate control meds went into permanent A-Fib in one year.)

The main trigger seems to be increased pressures in the left atrium that causes the muscle fibers around… Continue reading

Atrial Remodeling and the Transition From Paroxysmal to Persistent AF by Dr Jose Jalife-2014 Boston AF Symposium

Jose Jalife, MD

Jose Jalife, MD

2014 Boston AF Symposium

Experiments in Atrial Remodeling in Sheep and the Transition From Paroxysmal to Persistent A-Fib

By Steve S. Ryan, PhD

Dr. Jose Jalife of the Center for Arrhythmia Research of the University of Michigan described his experiments inducing A-Fib in sheep by pacing their hearts. He is trying to discover the mechanisms underlying the transition from paroxysmal to persistent A-Fib.

Background: Some patients remain paroxysmal (usually with anti-arrhythmic therapy), while a large proportion progress to persistent A-Fib. (In a study of 5,000+… Continue reading

Steve’s Lists of A-Fib Doctors by Specialty

Steve's Lists of Doctors by Specialty - Atrial Fibrillation, afib, a fib, A-Fib

Doctors by Specialty

Steve’s Lists of A-Fib Doctors by Specialty 

Steve has prepared these lists of doctors treating atrial fibrillation patients by specialty to help you find doctors with a particular expertise.

  1. US EPs with FHRS-designation performing A-Fib ablations: Listed by State/City
  2. US EPs Using Cryoballoon Ablation
  3. US EPs Installing the Watchman Device
  4. US Surgeons performing Maze and Mini-Maze operations
  5. US Centers performing the Hybrid Surgery/Ablation procedure
  6. EPs Specializing in Persistent/Long-Standing Persistent A-Fib (US and International)

Return to Directory of Doctors Treating A-Fib: Medical Centers… Continue reading

EPs Specializing in Persistent/Long-standing Persistent A-Fib (US and International) a List from A-Fib.com

Steves List logo 200 pix at 96 resDoctors Specializing in Persistent/Long-standing Persistent A-Fib (US and International)

Persistent A-Fib and Long-standing Persistent A-Fib are often difficult to cure. If you are highly symptomatic, you may need a highly skilled, experienced specialist. This list is a starting point for you.


Return to Steve’s Lists of A-Fib Doctors by Specialty

The French Bordeaux Group Bordeaux, France Step wise ablation technique with 95%… Continue reading

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