Danske Museer - Denmarks Museum Journal

Danske Museer (Danish Museums) is a professional journal for Danish museums. Published six times a year, the journal has a circulation that includes museum professionals and boards as well as public authorities, opinion makers and people generally interested in museum activities.

In addition to providing news, the journal is a forum for debate in the Danish museum world. Danske Museer is independent of all special-interest organisations and is published by Museumstjenesten (The Museums Service), a Danish commercial foundation.

The journal receives financial support from the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Danish Ministry of Culture.

The editorial committee consists of:
Line Hjorth Christensen (editor) lhc@danskemuseer.com
Tove Borre tlb@danskemuseer.com
Else Kierstein (layout) kierstein@esenet.dk


English translations of articles available on the Internet

Danske Museer will periodically publish English translations of articles from the journal - in whole or in part - on this Web site. We hope this will give an international audience the opportunity to catch a glimpse of the ideas and developments current within the Danish museum world.