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OSU Photo Store

Need an Ohio State photo for your home or office? We have an entire store full of Dispatch photos of players, the band, Ohio Stadium and more.

Visit the Photo Store

Page Reprints

The Columbus Dispatch is pleased to offer full-size reproductions of its historic pages from our first date of publication on July 1, 1871 to present as well as prints and enlargements of its award-winning photography.

Historic pages

Our archive provider, NewsBank, fulfills page reprints for the dates of July 1, 1871 to July 1, 2002.

Pages are printed in BLACK AND WHITE ONLY, even if the original page was printed in color.

Reprint pages come in a choice of two sizes: 13 inches wide and 22 inches in depth, or 11 inches wide and 14 inches in depth, and can be ordered unframed or framed.

Recent pages

Pages from July 2, 2002 to the present are fulfilled through our photo store.

Pages are printed in color or black and white, depending on how they were originally printed in the paper.

Reprint pages come in a choice of two sizes: 11 inches wide and 14 inches in depth, or 12 inches wide and 21 inches in depth, and can be ordered unframed or framed.