
Great Luxembourg Women

Catherine Schleimer-Kill, political pioneer (1884 - 1973)

Catherine Schleimer-Kill was one of the first Luxembourg women to be bold enough to enter the political arena. The right to vote, secured in 1919, was, for her, only the first step towards a co-administration of women. Starting with the first general elections in 1919, she participated in several district and national elections and even introduced in 1928 her own purely feminine party, "Action féminine". Thanks to this association that she had created, she undertook for almost 15 years important activities to raise awareness of women’s and social issues. On the long path women have followed until today in their struggle for equal rights, her struggle for emancipation was a decisive first step : "It is the route within their own power, the path towards independence. United in their solidarity, women must carry out the work of women."

Price of the series: 0,90 €
Designs: Yvette Gestauer-Claire, Schifflange (L)
Printing: Multicolour photogravure by the Imprimerie du Timbre, LA POSTE, Malines (B)
Size: 27.66 x 40.20 mm, sheets of 20 stamps with a decorated border

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