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A Means to Disseminate Honest-to-God Leaks
By oblivion437
Posted on 02/02/15
Wikileaks, though technically not a wiki, provides an easy means to disseminate information that some find it desirable to share against the wishes of those who find it desirable to keep secret. Aside from the morality of the leaking itself, such a service provides a look into the activities of...

Top 10 Old School Mortal Kombat Characters

Posted on Thursday, February 3 @ 14:29:42 Eastern by

In 2010, NetherRealm Studios, led by Mortal Kombat co-creator Ed Boon, announced the 9th installment in the long-running franchise. This new Mortal Kombat marked a return to the franchise's controversial, gritty, gore-filled roots. To pay homage to the MK games of yesteryear, we've put together a top 10 list specially for old school Mortal Kombat fans -- the ones that pumped quarter after quarter into coin-ops and spent every waking hour trying to unlock secret characters or discover how to perform new fatalities.

10.) Kano

This Black Dragon mercenary with a fondness of knives had half his face punched off by Major Jackson Briggs (Jax). This worked out in Kano’s favor - he got a chrome dub face with a laser-beam shooting eye. Don’t dare stare or else he’ll rip your still beating heart from your chest.

Test Your Might Fast Fact - Kano is the one character from the original roster that’s been playable in the least amount of games.

9.) Johnny Cage

B-movie “star” turned nard-punching gymnast in tights -- this cocky S.O.B. would normally be on my shit list, but his special moves and fatalities are all sorts of badass. With his green shadow kicks, or if he’s pissed, red ones, Johnny Cage is no pushover. He’ll even uppercut not one, but three heads straight off your shoulders. Who were you calling a B-movie star again?

Test Your Might Fast Fact - Johnny Cage was originally modeled after Jean Claude Van Damme’s character, Frank Dux, in the movie Bloodsport.

8.) Ermac

If right now you’re thinking “what? another palette swap ninja? seriously?” I’ve got two words for you: Fuck you Error Macro. Long-time Mortal Kombat fans know that Ermac’s origins alone make him a legend. A count of error macros or ‘ERMACS’ were listed directly under a count of "Reptile Battles" -- an encounter with the original Mortal Kombat’s hidden character -- which led secret hungry fans to believe that a sighting of an Ermac was yet another hidden adversary. 

His mythos didn’t end there. In Mortal Kombat II the team prodded fans with the cryptic message “CEAMR ODSE NTO EXITS” (Ermac does not exist) or with the female green ninja Jade, popping in asking “Ermac who?”. It wasn’t until the Ultimate version of Mortal Kombat 3 (UMK3) that Ermac was made playable by entering a 10-digit Ultimate Kombat Kode.

Test Your Might Fast Fact - To unlock Ermac in UMK3, enter the Kombat Kode 1-2-3-4-4-4-4-3-2-1

7.) Jax

After realizing that Kano got a metallic makeover as a result of punching half his face off, Jax metaled himself up with bionic arms -- effectively making me as a kid extremely jealous and hoping someday doctors could too retrofit my arms with bionic replacements (doesn’t sound like such a good idea anymore). But before Jax got robo-extremities, his ground-pounds and gotcha punches made sure his coolness level was picked up on Richter scales.

Test Your Might Fast Fact - Jax was originally to be named Kurtis Stryker, which ended up being used as the name of a MK3 character.


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