Does not load/create smart playlists anymore

  • I have the same problem and was unable to update the smart playlist for several devices. Please could you help me look into this for my account?

  • i have the same problem. it shows "updating from"
    and Top artists/tracks are not showing at all.

    • Ryrynie said...
    • User
    • 10 Feb 2015, 01:53
    Hi, same problem for me as well, since I had to reinstall the app two months ago. The only feature from I can get is the recommended albums- no top tracks/artists nor playlists... Could you please have a look for my account as well?

  • I have the same problem as the three people before me.

  • Hi, I have the same issue on my iPhone, also it would not load my profile from within the app. Can you fix it for me, please?

  • My app has been showing "Updating from" for a day now.

    I have let it load multiple times but it has stayed at that screen for hours at a time.

    Trying the resync did not work either.

    It seems there is something manual you can do on your end, so can you help me?

  • I'm having the same issue. App keeps showing "Updating from". I've tried resyncing multiple times but it hasn't helped.

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