Known Issues (updated 8/15/11)

  • Known Issues (updated 8/15/11)

    The latest version of for iPhone and iPod Touch is: 3.1.0. To make sure you've got the latest version, click "Check for updates" at the bottom of your iTunes applications list, or tap the "Updates" tab of the App Store on your device.

    Below is a list of the known issues in for iPhone and iPod Touch:

    • Music playback may stop while the app is running in the background. We'll be releasing an update shortly to address this issue.

    • Several music labels have demanded we stop streaming their catalogues to mobile devices. As a result, users may experience "not enough content" error messages during playback. We are working on resolving this issue.

    • Group Radio is not currently available through the menu, however you can browse a group through Safari on your device and launch the group radio stations from there.

    • Due to limitations in the iPhone SDK, it is not currently possible to listen to Radio while working in other applications, or to scrobble the iPod functions of the iPhone.

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