
Official Name
Republic of India
Principal Languages
English, Hindi, Sanskrit
Literacy Rate
51% (2006 UNESCO)
Immigrant Languages
Armenian (500), Burushaski, Iranian Persian (18,000), Judeo-Iraqi Arabic (51,700), Northern Pashto (11,100)
Deaf Population
9,400,000–14,000,000 (2001)
Deaf Institutions
General References
Bradley 1997, 2005; Breton 1997; Hugoniot 1970; Marrison 1967; Masica 1991; Matisoff, Baron, and Lowe 1996; Singh, 1994, 1995; van Bik 2006; Van Driem 2001, 2007
Language Counts
The number of individual languages listed for India is 461. Of these, 447 are living and 14 are extinct. Of the living languages, 63 are institutional, 130 are developing, 187 are vigorous, 54 are in trouble, and 13 are dying.