"Fotos Colombia"

"Fotos Colombia" (photos of Colombia, is a part of the site dedicated to capturing the most beautiful and interesting pictures of Colombia from different cities and regions of the country.


Photos of Antioquia will feature images that capture this green and mountainous region that is home to Medellin. This area being my home is one that I've seen much of and am constantly amazed by just how beautiful and varied the landscape is.

When you drive out of Medellin city to the East, you arrive in the "Oriente" which has become a major attraction for second homes or weekend farms for the wealthier inhabitants of Medellin. You can certainly see why from the pictures.


Cartagena is particularly photogenic with its winding roads between old Colonial houses in the Old Town that is a relatively small area, but truly picturesque.

You can walk along the city wall dividing the town from the sea which is spectacular with waves rolling in on one side and centuries old buildings on the other.


Bogota is a dense and built up city but is surprisingly beautiful when you stop noticing all the hustle and bustle. Usaquen with its Colonial architecture is a great start and so are the mountains that are backdrop to the city. The gold museum is another must-see where you are permitted to take pictures.

Another factor is that Bogota has very bright and strong colors, presumably due to its high altitude, changing weather and humidity when it rains making your pictures often look very rich.

Colombia as a whole

Beyond the cities, there are mountain ranges with glaciers, thick rain forests, tropical islands, deserts and plains in addition to gems like the Forgotten City by Santa Marta. There is an abundance of inspiration to be found.


These videos of Colombia and Medellin add to Fotos Colombia and are part of my passion, my main profession being filmmaking. I have had the privilege of making videos up through the years of family, friends and acquaintances in a number of different contexts and environments here in Medellin.

I like to show people going about their business without voice-over and generally using a non-flashy approach to editing. This way, the images and sounds can speak for themselves, leaving anyone who sees them to make their own conclusion and imagine what it´s like here.

UPDATE: For those of you who are interested in my documentary about my Colombian wife and her experiences growing up here in Medellin, then please visit the following site to read more about the project: Dearlina.com

Here is the trailer for the film:

DEAR LINA - a film by Finn E. Bugge

You can now rent my film DEAR LINA and watch it right here on the site.

You can pay using PayPal or Amazon Payments. The price is US$ 3.99 which gives you access to see the film for 5 days. Remember that even if you don't have a PayPal account, you can pay with a regular credit card through PayPal - one of the safest way to pay online.

I hope you enjoy the movie!

Back to videos of Colombia...

Daily life in Medellin is far more normal than many people expect and the following film shows life in one day from morning to night.

Daily Life in Medellin:


ENGLISH..., paying attention?

Come inside a small ironworks in Medellin:

We hope you enjoy our Fotos Colombia pages!

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