Gliese 486 (HIP 62452)

Gliese 486 is a type M3 star in the constellation Virgo. At 27 light years away, it shines at an apparent visual magnitude of 11.39. It is moving through the Galaxy at a speed of 47.9 km/s relative to the Sun. Its projected Galactic orbit carries it between 15,100 and 24,200 light years from the center of the Galaxy.

Sky position: RA 12h 48.0m, Dec +9° 45'

Common designations: HIP 62452, Gliese 486, Wolf 437

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Galactic Orbit of Gliese 486

(compared to the Sun)

Eccentricity: 23.0% vs. 16.0%

Angle φ : -172.2° vs. 26.0°

Semi-major axis : 6,030 pc vs. 8,686 pc

Semi-minor axis: 5,868 pc vs. 8,574 pc

Focus-to-center: 1,390 pc vs. 1,388 pc

Semilatus rectum : 5,710 pc vs. 8,464 pc

Perigalacticon: 4,640 pc vs. 7,297 pc

Apogalacticon: 7,419 pc vs. 10,074 pc

Some Tabulated XHIP Data for Gliese 486
(see also: SIMBAD)

  Position Proper Motion
Right Ascension: 191.98842243° ±2.37 mas -1,006.76 ±2.63 mas/yr.
Declination: 9.75251726° ±1.86 mas -460.19 ±1.79 mas/yr.
Galactic Longitude: 300.05931064° -984.90 mas/yr.
Galactic Latitude: 72.60483083° -505.28 mas/yr.

Parallax: 119.47 ± 2.69 mas


Spectral Type: M3 1985ApJS...59..197B.

Radial Velocity: 19.09 ±0.10 km/s [A rating] 2002ApJS..141..503N.

Iron Abundance [Fe/H]: n/a

band magnitude Abs. Mag.
U 14.10 14.49
B 12.95 13.34
V 11.39 11.78
R 10.24 10.63
I 8.72 9.11
J 7.20 7.58
H 6.67 7.05
K 6.36 6.75

  B-V: +1.56       V-I: +2.67


Heliocentric distance: 8.37 pc (2.3% margin of error)

Galactocentric distance: 7,399 pc

Transverse velocity: 43.9 km/s

3D heliocentric position and motion:


Galactic center Galactic rotation North Galactic Pole
Position ( X, Y, Z) 1.3 pc -2.2 pc 8.0 pc
Velocity (U, V, W) -21.4 km/s -41.1 km/s 12.2 km/s

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