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Specials » Power & Energy

Aggressive bidding for coal blocks is likely to cost power companies dear

For every Rs 100 fall in bid amount, power tariff falls by six paise

Banks to rethink loan pacts with power companies

Applicable on power plants that were given to private companies by government with a power-purchase agreement

Coal auction: Blocks to private firms might cut power rates

Likely proceeds from auctions cross Rs 2 lakh crore

Features Rss icon

From promises to policy

Renewable energy needs government to draft sensible policy

Banks propose fund to cure power sector's woes

As banks struggle with high levels of exposure to the sector, a separate fund for power projects is seen as the next best solution

Closed access

Time to ease bottlenecks in open access for power supplies

Opinion Rss icon

Vandana Gombar: 'Fight, flight or adapt'

For commercial and industrial enterprises in India bracketed in the highest tariff slabs, a switch to renewables would lower bills in many cases

Arunabha Ghosh: Speed, scale, skill... solar?

Ionce asked a rural bank officer how he managed to convince farmers to take large loans to install solar panels. He replied, "I remind them that ...

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