Committed to Comprehensive Results

There’s been some buzz today based on a post by Nicholas D. Kristof at the New York Times suggesting that Bing filters results for searches conducted outside of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) using Simplified Chinese characters for their query.

As Mr. Kristof reported over the summer, we did fix a bug in web search that addressed this issue. There are some queries that provide very balanced web results, for example 六四 天安门 (June 4th Tiananmen). We recognize that we can continue to improve our relevancy and comprehensiveness in these web results and we will.

In addition, today’s investigations uncovered the fact that our image search is not functioning properly for queries entered using Simplified Chinese characters outside of the PRC. We have identified the bug and are at work on the fix. We expect to have this done before the Thanksgiving holiday.

Bing’s intent for these types of queries is to provide relevant and comprehensive results for our customers.

We appreciate the dialog that Mr. Kristof has kicked off. Community feedback and input is incredibly important to Bing – it helps us do better and sometimes alerts us to things we can take immediate action to fix as we continue to improve.

Adam Sohn – Senior Director, Bing

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  1. Quality Directory

    It's nice that Microsoft uses feedback to positively improve its products and services. I've seen some other companies that don't welcome criticism.

    Keep improving Bing!

  2. anoooos24

    Good info

    thanks a lot it's very helpful

    nice article

    very helpful

    thank you for these information

    thanks ..

  3. gabblet

    great! Bing is really proactive.

  4. webguy

    While on the subject of unusual search results a few days ago I was doing a search for Bing news and to my surprise there were some upskirt pictures in the twitter search results.  Not that I minded them other than the fact I was at work at the time  :)

    Here is the screen capture:

  5. alexuss777

    webguy: Thats funny :)

    Honestly, I think when the Bing was on Beta stage, it was on Alpha. Now It is on Beta stage. Keep Improving!

  6. Alsace Web Agency

    @quality directory "I've seen some other companies that don't welcome criticism."

    yes I've seen these companies too …

  7. huskypride


    if you're gonna trade in your morals for a few bucks, at least own up to it and I might have more respect for you. Shame on BING and GOOGLE and YAHOO.

    100% with Kristof.

  8. carter.cole

    webguy those are spam profiles on twitter i wouldn't expect them to be able to identify and censor those twitter results

  9. davidcltn7

    It is nice to see that Bing is considering even the negative comments to produce a positive result. By doing this, you will be able to stay as the best search engine in providing the better search results to users.

    Best wishes.


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