All content tagged with: oneminutesjr.

Have you ever wondered if your family history shapes your future? 17-year old Takudzwa believes "history has a way to shape the future." Takudzwa presents an expressionistic portrait on the history of his family and his possible future in his OneMinutesJr.:

Once upon a time one needed significant means and resources to start a newspaper or a radio station; to reach large numbers of people with a message. The Internet changed this, but up until quite recently it was still necessary for a person to have technical knowledge, resources and access to the right technology in order to, for example, develop a website to share information and connect with others online. The explosion of the social web in the last few years has lowered the...

It's Thursday, which means it's OneMinutesJr.! 14-yr-old Ivana Šušnjar from Bosnia & Herzegovina won a 2013 OneMinutesJr. Award with this video that shows how she rolls her own way: Tell us what you think!

"It's like a dream, and I finally found it." What are these girls signing about in TheOneMinutesJr? 14-year-old Juana Lucía Cano Palomino shows us how she expresses herself. Check her creation out right here, and tell us what you think!

This past Monday, November 25th, was Elimination of Violence Against Women Day. It was the beginning of a 16 day activism against gender violence, and YOU can join in! To find out how YOU can take action and help raise awareness on gender violence, check this out here: This special OneMinutesJr. in association with Gender Violence shows us how violence against women can always be lurking around the corner. Check out Chontelle Stewart's OneMinutesJr. right here: http://youtu...

What should kids have the rights to? In honor of Universal Children's Day yesterday, check out this week's OneMinutesJr. by 14-year-old Matej Tokić from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Matej uses this video to tell us about kids' rights. Tell us what you think:

Next week’s International Day of the Girl Child focuses on girls’ education. In Cambodia, 13-year Saom Sreida really wants her friend to be able to go to school. Her @theoneminutesjr video envisions her making that happen.

Today for our OneMinutesJr. Day, Hervé, 12 years old, is taking us to Madagascar. "Practice makes perfect."

Saturday is International Day of Peace. 18-year-old Mentesnot Alemu Bezuneh, from Ethiopia, made this @theoneminutesjr to illustrate that understanding and accepting differences can lead to a more peaceful world.

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