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Documents - Document 6 - “The McCumber Agreement”

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Treaty with the Chippewa | McCumber Agreement

“The McCumber Agreement”

Agreement Between the Turtle Mountain Indians
and the Commission

Appointed under the provisions of the Indian appropriation act of July, 1892, to negotiate with the Turtle Mountain band of Chippewa Indians in North Dakota, for the cession and relinquishment to the United States of whatever right or interest they have in and to any and all land in said State to which they claim title.


Articles of agreement and stipulations made and concluded at Belcourt, in the county of Rolette and the state of North Dakota, by and between Porter J. McCumber, John W. Wilson, and W. Woodville Fleming, commissioners on the part of the United States, on the twenty-second day of October, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, and Ka-ki-ne-wash, Kanik, Ka-ish-pah, Conie, Caws-ta-we-nin, Oza-ah-we-kizik, John Baptist Wilkie, Augustine Wilkie Sr., John Baptisst Vandall, Joseph Rolette, Jerome M. Rolette, St. Mathew Jerome, and Martin Jerome, and others whose names are hereto subscribed, being a majority of the whole number of male adults belonging to and comprising the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians in North Dakota, on the part and behalf of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians.

Article I

The friendly relations heretofore existing between the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians and the United States shall be forever maintained.

Article II

The Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians, in consideration of the convenants and stipulations hereinafter contained, do hereby cede, alien, and convey to the United States all the claims, estate, right, title and interest of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians or any of them as members of said band of Indians, in and to all lands, tenements, and hereditaments, situate lying and being in the state of North Dakota. Excepting and reserving from this conveyance that tract of land particularly mentioned and set apart by an executive order of the President of the United states, bearing date the third day of June, A.D. eighteen hundred and eighty-four, to which reference is hereby made for more particular description, the said reserve being twelve miles in length and six miles in breadth, and now occupied as a reservation by the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians. It being expressly stipulated that the land now occupied and used for school, church, and Government purposes shall be held at the pleasure of the United States, and may, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior of the United States, be patented when the interest of the United States, the Indians thereon, or the efficient school conduct requires; the Secretary of the interior may, as occasion requires, set apart other land in said reserve for school and other public uses.

Article III

The land, woods, and waters above reserved for the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians, subject to the stipulations contained in article II of this treaty and agreement, shall be held as common property of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians, and it is agreed that the United States shall, as soon as it can conveniently be done, cause the land hereby reserved and held for the use of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians to be surveyed as public lands are surveyed, for the purpose of enabling such Indians as desire to take homesteads, and the selections shall be so made as to include in each case, as far as possible the residence and improvements of the Indian making the selection giving to each an equitable proportion of natural advantages, and when it is not practicable to so apportion the entire homestead of land in one body, it may be set apart in separate tracts, not less than forty acres in any one tract, unless the same shall abut upon a lake—but all assignment of land in severalty shall conform to the government survey. The survey of this land shall be made as Government surveys and at no expense to the Indians.

Article IV

In consideration of the premises and the foregoing cession, the United States agrees to pay to the said Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians the sum of one million dollars, of which sum there shall be paid annually the sum of fifty thousand dollars for the period of twenty years, which sums shall be invested annually in food, clothing, bed clothing, houses, cattle, horses, all kinds of agricultural implements, and farm machinery and products, for seed for husbandry, and such things as may be approved by the Secretary of the Interior, who shall have the authority to direct such expenditures, and at such times in the building, improving, and repairing of houses as the needs of the Indians on the above reserve may require, except as hereinafter agreed.

Article V

The schools now located upon the above-named reserve are to be maintained in efficiency as at present and increased as necessity may require.

Article VI

All members of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewas who may be unable to secure land upon the reservation above ceded may take homesteads upon any vacant land belonging to the United States without charge, and shall continue to hold and be entitled to such share in all tribal funds, annuities, or other property, the same as if located on the reservations.

Article VII

So long as the United states retains and holds title to any land in the use or occupation of any member of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians or the title to other property in the possession of any Indian of said band, which it may do for twenty years, there shall be no tax or other duty levied or assessed upon the property the title to which is held or retained by the United States.

Article VIII

And in further consideration of the foregoing cession and stipulations, it is further stipulated that the six hundred and forty acres of land heretofore reserved to “ Red Bear” a Chippewa Indian, by the treaty between the United States and the Red Lake and Pembina Bands of Chippewa Indian, concluded in Minnesota, October 2, amended March 1, 1864, proclaimed May 5, 1864, be patented to red Bear, a member of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa, who is the only son and heir of the “Red Bear” named in the eighth article of the treaty above referred to and mentioned.

Article IX

It is further conveyed and agreed that under no circumstances the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians nor any members of said band of Indians shall take up arms against or resist the established authorities of the United States; every person so violating this stipulation shall in the discretion of the United States be forever barred from the benefits of this agreement, and all rights of such person and persons hereunder shall be forfeited to the United States.

Article X

This agreement to be of no binding force or effect until ratified by the Congress of the United States.

Article XI

It is mutually agreed that the sum of five thousand dollars of the fifty thousand dollars above stipulated be annually paid to the Turtle Mountain Band of Indians, in cash, and that said sum be distributed per capita.

In testimony whereof the said Porter J. McCumber, John W. Wilson,and W. Woodville Flemming, commissioners, as aforesaid, and the members of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians, have hereunto set their hands and affixed their official marks on the day and at the place above written.

Executed at Belcourt Agency, North Dakota, this 22nd Day of October, A.D. 1892.

P.J. McCumber (seal)
John W. Wilson (seal)
W. Woodville Flemming (seal)

We, the undersigned, separately and severally certify on honor that we have fully explained to the Indians whose names are hereto signed the above instrument, and that they acknowledge the same to be well understood by them.

John Baptiste Ledeault
Joseph Rolette
(Signed by Ka-kin-e-wash and over 200 others.) Ex. Doc. 229, 52nd Congress, 2nd Session.

Appendix No. 2

Amendments to an original agreement between the United States and the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians made on October 22, 1892:

Article IV

Article IV as originally written is stricken, and the following is inserted to replace it:

In consideration of the premises and the foregoing cession, the United States agrees to pay to the said Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians the sum of one million dollars, such amount to be paid in cash in yearly installments, whichever the Secretary of the Interior deems best for the tribe. PROVIDED: if payment is made in yearly installments, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to spend the prorate share of each Indian as his need may require in building, repairing and improving the houses off the Indian people except as hereinafter agreed.

Article V

Article V is amended to read:

The schools now located upon the reserve are to be maintained at the present level, so long as the Secretary of the Interior feels it necessary but no longer than twenty years.

Article VIII

Article VIII as originally written is removed from the agreement and not replaced.

Article XI

Article XI as originally written is removed from the agreement and not replaced.

(Senate document No. 471 (1904) pp. 2-6)

Ka-kin-ewash, his x mark [seal].
Cawi-ta we nin, his x mark [seal].
Kiji Kaak-ke-nija-wit, his x mark [seal].
Ketakiwapetong, his x mark [seal].
Amayatt Francais, his x mark [seal].
J.B. Wilkie, his x mark [seal].
Antoine Brien, his x mark [seal].
Alexander Aiken, his x mark [seal].
Gourneau, Louis, his x mark [seal].
Peter Charbennan, his x mark [seal].
Grant, Joseph, his x mark [seal].
Gabriel Wilkie, his x mark [seal].
Ambrose Wallet, his x mark [seal].
Zachary Poitra, his x mark [seal].
Louis Goddon, his x mark [seal].
Alexander Martel, his x mark [seal].
Knakomika, his x mark [seal].
Aki chita, his x mark [seal].
Cha kasung, his x mark [seal].
John Baptiste Dandall, his x mark [seal].
O-za-was-kush, his x mark [seal].
Andre Allery, sr., his x mark [seal].
Nottin, his x mark [seal].
Gourneau, Joseph, jr., his x mark [seal].

Gourneau, Alexander, his x mark [seal].
M.J. Rolette, his x mark [seal].
Albert Wilkie, his x mark [seal].
Alexander Lucier, his x mark [seal].
Joseph Poitra, his x mark [seal].
St. Mathew Jerome, his x mark [seal].
Alexander Hermon, his x mark [seal].
Eugene Pepin, his x mark [seal].
Antoine Houle, sr., his x mark [seal].
Charles Houle, his x mark [seal].
Moses Dionne, his x mark [seal].
Piere Peltier, his x mark [seal].
Jospeh Lafrombois, his x mark [seal].
Joseph Wilkie, his x mark [seal].
Nepate Kejik, his x mark [seal].
John Baptiste Davis, jr., his x mark [seal].
Piere Charett, his x mark [seal].
Piere Azure, his x mark [seal].
Theodore Belgarde, sr., his x mark [seal].
Gabriel Poitra, Sr., his x mark [seal].
Gabriel Poitra, Jr., his x mark [seal].
Andre Azure, his x mark [seal].
Joseph Azure, his x mark [seal].
Kanik, , his x mark [seal].
Conic, his x mark [seal].
Skasitoness, his x mark [seal].
Mishkomakwa, his x mark [seal].
kaozawakezik, his x mark [seal].
Joseph Langer, his x mark [seal].
Alexander Wilkie, his x mark [seal].
Joseph Gourneau, sr., his x mark [seal].
Gourneau, Batrice, his x mark [seal].
Grant Riese, his x mark [seal].
Willian Grant, his x mark [seal].
Baptise Kline, his x mark [seal].
Charles Poitra, his x mark [seal].
Louis Arnyott, jr., his x mark [seal].
Gabries Banchimen, his x mark [seal].
Kaishpa, his x mark [seal].
Wahna Kivet, his x mark [seal].
Ozawikonaya, his x mark [seal].
Ka-kepiness, his x mark [seal].
Mekwam, his x mark [seal].
Roger Jerome, his x mark [seal].
Archibald Aiken, his x mark [seal].
John Aiken, his x mark [seal].
Gourneau, Leon, his x mark [seal].
Garbiel Azure, his x mark [seal].
Joseph Rolette, his x mark [seal].
Jenor Biren, his x mark [seal].
Alexander Latraille, his x mark [seal].
Modest Poitra, his x mark [seal].
Phillip Goddon, his x mark [seal].
Solomon Pepin, his x mark [seal].
Edward Herman, his x mark [seal].
Antoine Houle, jr., his x mark [seal].
Joseph Thomas, Joseph Smith, jr., his x mark [seal].
Baptiste Peltier, his x mark [seal].
Thheodore Brien, his x mark [seal].
John Baptiste Wilkie, his x mark [seal].
Daniel Turcott, his x mark [seal].
Isadore Gramboise, his x mark [seal].
Moses Charett, his x mark [seal].
Henry Oncept, his x mark [seal].
Louie Belgarde, his x mark [seal].
William Poitra, his x mark [seal].
Antoine Wilkie, his x mark [seal].
Francois Langer, his x mark [seal].
Francis Azure, his x mark [seal].
Moses Wallet, his x mark [seal].
Napoleon Houle, his x mark [seal].
William Thomas, his x mark [seal].
Israel Smith, sr., his x mark [seal].
Moses Lapier, his x mark [seal].
Augustine Wilkie, Sr., his x mark [seal].
Joseph Decouteau, his x mark [seal].
William Davis, Jr., his x mark [seal].
Baptiste Charrett, his x mark [seal].
Thomas Cluthier, his x mark [seal].
Jerome Azure, his x mark [seal].
Joseph Belgarde, his x mark [seal].
Charles Poitra, 2nd, his x mark [seal].
John Baptist Azure, his x mark [seal].
Joseph Frederic, his x mark [seal].
Isadore Azure, his x mark [seal].
Mathais Lafromboixe, his x mark [seal].
Gregory Martell, his x mark [seal].
Joseph Martell, his x mark [seal].
Edmond Rolette, his x mark [seal].
Bacile Belgard, his x mark [seal].
Gilbert Belgarde, his x mark [seal].
Benard Delorme, his x mark [seal].
Francios Vivier, 2nd, his x mark [seal].
David Lavadure, his x mark [seal].
Mazime Marion, his x mark [seal].
Abraham Boyer, his x mark [seal].
Alexander Jerome, his x mark [seal].
Michael Gladue, his x mark [seal].
Napoleon Allery, his x mark [seal].
Louis Amyott, Sr., his x mark [seal].
Benjamin Azure, his x mark [seal].
F. X. Desjarlais, his x mark [seal].
John B. Martell, his x mark [seal].
Louis Thomas, his x mark [seal].
Francios Montrail, his x mark [seal].
Charles Du(?)ney, his x mark [seal].
Joseph Nadeau, his x mark [seal].
Andre Morin, his x mark [seal].

Andre Morin, his x mark [seal].
Alexander Montriel, his x mark [seal].
St. Pierre Lavadure, his x mark [seal].
Loius Marion, his x mark [seal].
Charles Gladue, Sr., his x mark [seal].
Maxime Marion, Jr., his x mark [seal].
Daniel Jerome, Sr., his x mark [seal].
Daneil Jerome, Jr., his x mark [seal].
Antoine Azure, his x mark [seal].
C. Lafontaine, his x mark [seal].
Joseph E. Marion, his x mark [seal].
Skamistik, his x mark [seal].
Pakena-ke-wap, his x mark [seal].
Pat-wa-wi-nin, his x mark [seal].
She-she-we-ko-nip-, his x mark [seal].
Nepasish, his x mark [seal].
Joseph Gourneau, his x mark [seal].
Behard Houle, his x mark [seal].
Joseph Smith, Sr., his x mark [seal].
Paul Peltier, his x mark [seal].
Gabriel Lafromboise, his x mark [seal].
Augustine Wilkie, Jr., his x mark [seal].
J. B. Turcott, his x mark [seal].
Leonidas Davis, his x mark [seal].
Francios Charrett, his x mark [seal].
Peter Ducept, his x mark [seal].
Theodore Belgarde, jr., his x mark [seal].
Nobert Poitra, his x mark [seal].
Octave Lafontaine, his x mark [seal].
John Baptist Grant, his x mark [seal].
Alexander Azure, his x mark [seal].
Piere Lacert, his x mark [seal].
John Baptist Dejarlais, his x mark [seal].
Patrice Lafromboise, his x mark [seal].
John Baptist St. Antona, his x mark [seal].
Joseph Laframboise, his x mark [seal].
Antoine Gelgard, his x mark [seal].
Modes Caplett, his x mark [seal].
Jacques Peltier, his x mark [seal].
David Laverdure, his x mark [seal].
Napoleon Lavadure, his x mark [seal].
Amrase Vivier, his x mark [seal].
Joseph Gladue, his x mark [seal].
Julian Jerome, his x mark [seal].
Andre Allery, his x mark [seal].
Maartin Jerome, his x mark [seal].
John Baptist Lafromboise, his x mark [seal].
Narciss Lafrombois, his x mark [seal].
Charles Azure, Sr., his x mark [seal].
Thomas Thomas, his x mark [seal].
Michael Lafromboise, his x mark [seal].
Batrice Delorme, his x mark [seal].
Octave Renville, his x mark [seal].
St. Piers Gladue, his x mark [seal].
James Azure, his x mark [seal].
Joseph Lavadure, his x mark [seal].
William Lavadure, his x mark [seal].
Charles Page, his x mark [seal].
Charles Gladue, Jr., his x mark [seal].
J.B. Marion, his x mark [seal].
Baptiste Allery, his x mark [seal].
John Baptiste Ducept, his x mark [seal].
Ezear Lafountaine, his x mark [seal].
J.B. Ledeault, his x mark [seal].
John Baptiste Langer, his x mark [seal].
Oskino, No. 1, his x mark [seal].
Kat-we-hu-ta-wat, his x mark [seal].
Kekanowenet, his x mark [seal].
Nepis, his x mark [seal].
Amicens, his x mark [seal].
Makatemakwah, his x mark [seal].
Akash, his x mark [seal].
Piere Lavalle, his x mark [seal].
Joseph Kipling, his x mark [seal].
Piere McCloud, his x mark [seal].
Moses Decauteau, his x mark [seal].
Onizim Houle, his x mark [seal].
Henry Coitra, his x mark [seal].
Piere Lafontaine, his x mark [seal].
Andre Dejarlais, his x mark [seal].
Antoine Charboneau, his x mark [seal].
Sakanako-skung, his x mark [seal].
Wisheka, his x mark [seal].
Puyat, his x mark [seal].
Nwenapi, his x mark [seal].
Renaseekapajiekot, his x mark [seal].
Wapisketatik, his x mark [seal].
Napashish, No. 1, his x mark [seal].
Ambrose Ehattrand, his x mark [seal].
Maxime Landry, his x mark [seal].
George Baker, his x mark [seal].
Francois Vivier, jr., his x mark [seal].
Tepiskokejikkaneepawit, his x mark [seal].
Joseph Bottineau, his x mark [seal].
Ezear Lafontaine, his x mark [seal].
Fred, W. Schindler, his x mark [seal].
John Haves, his x mark [seal].
Piere Lessott, his x mark [seal].
Exos, his x mark [seal].
Metonask, his x mark [seal].
Alexander Houle, his x mark [seal].
Napoleon Landry, his x mark [seal].
Monchan-a-te-sis, Louis Malaterre, , his x mark [seal].
Cemewetung, his x mark [seal].
Joseph Lyemouane, his x mark [seal].
Akewensie, his x mark [seal].
John Dejarlais, his x mark [seal].

Ozah-we-kijik, his x mark [seal].
Nachaiwe, his x mark [seal].
Ke-pesa-see, his x mark [seal].
Miskwangkay, his x mark [seal].
Medomoyaah, his x mark [seal].
Kamana-towe-to-kuah, his x mark [seal].
Patwewetung, his x mark [seal].
J.B. Jollibois, his x mark [seal].
Gilbert Kipling, his x mark [seal].
Norbert Landry, his x mark [seal].
Piere Lakat, his x mark [seal].
John B. Martelle, jr., his x mark [seal].
Ozawipijikens, his x mark [seal].
Joseph Allery, his x mark [seal].
We-nakowikapo, his x mark [seal].
Joseph Landeer, his x mark [seal].
John B. Laterregrass, his x mark [seal].

We certify on honor that we were present and witnessed the signatures to this instrument by the Indians above.
Ernest William Brenner
Wellington Salt

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