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Area: Talbot (Ward) 

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Area: Talbot (Ward)

Area: Talbot (Ward)

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Income: Model-Based Estimates

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VariableMeasureTalbot Trafford (Metropolitan District) North West England
Average Weekly Household Total Income Estimate (Households)1 2 £410..470.
Average Weekly Household Total Income 95% Confidence Interval Lower Limit (Households)1 2 £350.....
Average Weekly Household Total Income 95% Confidence Interval Upper Limit (Households)1 2 £470.....
Average Weekly Household Net Income Estimate (Households)1 2 £350..390.
Average Weekly Household Net Income 95% Confidence Interval Lower Limit (Households)1 2 £310.....
Average Weekly Household Net Income 95% Confidence Interval Upper Limit (Households)1 2 £400.....
Average Weekly Household Net Income Estimate (equivalised before housing costs) (Households)1 2 £320..340.
Average Weekly Household Net Income ... before housing costs) 95% Confidence Interval Lower Limit (Households)1 2 £280.....
Average Weekly Household Net Income ... before housing costs) 95% Confidence Interval Upper Limit (Households)1 2 £360.....
Average Weekly Household Net Income Estimate (equivalised after housing costs) (Households)1 2 £270..300.
Average Weekly Household Net Income ... after housing costs) 95% Confidence Interval Lower Limit (Households)1 2 £240.....
Average Weekly Household Net Income ... after housing costs) 95% Confidence Interval Upper Limit (Households)1 2 £310.....
Last Updated: 18 November 2005
Source: Office for National Statistics

1 Experimental Statistics
2 More up to date model-based average income estimates (2004/05) are available at Middle Super Output Area and can be found on the Neighbourhood Statistics website. The Ward level model-based estimates are being published as Experimental Statistics; however the GOR level estimates are not produced by the model and are classified as National Statistics. It has not been possible to produce estimates for 13 CAS wards falling in the City of London and Isles of Scilly Local Authority Districts (LADs). This is denoted by double dots (..) in the cells for these areas. LAD-level estimates for the City of London and Isles of Scilly can be found in an annex to the full descriptive documentation associated with this dataset. Differing geographical boundaries and data sources used in producing the 2001/02 estimates mean that they are not comparable with preceding estimates for 1998/99 (which have been removed from the Neighbourhood Statstics website) or subsequent estimates which have been have been produced on Middle Super Output Areas and can be found on the Neighbourhood Statistics website.