Research Interests:
What should be considered when developing a literacy intervention that asks teachers to implement new instructional methods? How can this be achieved with minimal support within existing policy? We argue that two broad sets of... more
What should be considered when developing a literacy intervention that asks teachers to implement
new instructional methods? How can this be achieved with minimal support within existing policy? We
argue that two broad sets of considerations must be made in designing such an intervention. First, the
intervention must be effective by bridging the gap between current teacher practice and the scientific
literature on effective instruction. This broad consideration is detailed with 10 design recommenda-
tions. Second, the intervention must be amenable to being scaled-up and mainstreamed as part of
government policy. This involves being (i) simple and replicable; (ii) well received by teachers; and (iii)
cost effective. The paper describes how these factors were considered in the design of a literacy
intervention in government primary schools in coastal Kenya. It also includes reactions from teachers
about the intervention and their change in knowledge.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
By its nature, the SMS communication is insecure and the message information can be viewed of many interested parties. Here we propose a protocol for secure SMS end-to-end communication between two mobile devices. Our protocol is based... more
By its nature, the SMS communication is insecure and the
message information can be viewed of many interested parties. Here we propose a protocol for secure SMS end-to-end communication between two mobile devices. Our protocol is based on a symmetric encryption of the message context and on secure key exchange. The security of our protocol is based on the usage of already secure cryptographic algorithms:
AES, SHA-2, DH-EC, and others. We have considered several possible attacks on our secure protocol and we could conclude that it is resistant of them.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
SMS Gateway dapat digunakan untuk akses informasi bagi orang yang membutuhkan. Sekolah sebagai salah satu layanan publik dapat menggunakan sistem SMS ini sebagai cara untuk memberikan layanan informasi kepada siswa maupun masyarakat. Pada... more
SMS Gateway dapat digunakan untuk akses informasi bagi orang yang membutuhkan.
Sekolah sebagai salah satu layanan publik dapat menggunakan sistem SMS ini sebagai cara
untuk memberikan layanan informasi kepada siswa maupun masyarakat. Pada tugas akhir ini
sistem SMS Gateway digunakan untuk memberikan akses informasi laporan nilai kepada
masyarakat terutama untuk siswa SMK Teknik Komputer MBM Rawalo. Siswa dapat
mengetahui nilai hasil ujian disekolah, cukup dengan mengirimkan SMS ke layanan informasi
ini, maka secara otomatis akan direspon langsung oleh sistem autoreply yang telah dibuat.
Prosedurnya sama seperti mengirim SMS biasa, hanya saja ditentukan dengan format-format
tertentu. Sistem aplikasi ini menggunakan bantuan perangkat lunak menggunakan gammu
menggunakan program software mysql xampp dan diakses lewat database administration
PhpMyadmin. Rancangan sistem yang dibangun akan mampu membaca sms pada ponsel yang
digunakan sebagai gateway dan membalasnya dalam bentuk informasi ke nomor pengirim.
Sistem ini dapat diakses melalui sms dengan menghubungkan antara hanphone dengan
komputer, untuk handphone yang digunakan yaiu sonny ericsson K310i dan menggunakan
kabel universal serial bus (usb), kemudian menjalankan service gammu melalui command
prompt dan kemudian membuka web browsernya.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
SMS and Ac
Akses database nilai mata pelajaran siswa pada sekolah saat ini sebagian besar masih menggunakan Raport, Kartu Hasil Studi (KHS), atau bahkan pada sekolah masih menempel di papan pengumuman. Saat ini telah berkembang teknologi informasi... more
Akses database nilai mata pelajaran siswa pada sekolah saat ini sebagian besar masih menggunakan Raport, Kartu
Hasil Studi (KHS), atau bahkan pada sekolah masih menempel di papan pengumuman. Saat ini telah berkembang
teknologi informasi dengan sistem Short Message Service (SMS) sehingga teknologi ini dapat dijadikan opsi untuk
menyampaikan informasi sekolah termasuk akses database nilai disekolah. Dalam pemanfaatan sistem akses
database nilai mata pelajaran via SMS, langkah-langkah yang dilakukan adalah merancang dan membuat struktur
database, membuat program aplikasi, mengkonfigurasi dan instalasi koneksi database dengan HP. Dengan
memanfaatkan system akses database tersebut, siswa dapat mengakses nilai-nilai mata pelajaran yang pernah diikut.
Research Interests:
Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan telekomunisi cukup pesat dan implementasinya sudah merambah banyak bidang. Dan salah satu implementasi yang banyak di manfaatkan adalah Short Message Service (SMS). Teknologi ini dapat pula... more
Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan telekomunisi cukup pesat dan implementasinya
sudah merambah banyak bidang. Dan salah satu implementasi yang banyak di manfaatkan adalah
Short Message Service (SMS). Teknologi ini dapat pula dimanfaatkan dalam pengolahan sistem
informasi penerimaan siswa baru. Dengan memanfaatkan telepon seluler, SMS Gateway, program
aplikasi java, sebuah sistem informasi penerimaan siswa baru di SMA Negeri 1 Purwareja
Klampok dapat dibangun. Namun pada kenyataannya aplikasi yang penulis buat telah gagal.
Kegagalan pada aplikasi ini bahwa SMS tidak bisa reply otomatis. Dan bisa dimungkinkan karena
tidak berjalannya servlet.
The development of information technology and rapidly telekomunisi and its implementation has
penetrated many areas. And one of the many implementations use the Short Message Service
(SMS). This technology can also be used in the processing of information system acceptance of
new students. Taking advantage of cell phones, SMS Gateway, java application program, an
information system acceptance of new students in Senior High School 1 Purwareja Klampok be
built. But in fact the authors make the application has failed. Failure in this application that SMS
can not reply automatically. And may not be possible because the servlet passes.
Research Interests:
Dengan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi dewasa ini memberikan banyak manfaat untuk penyediaan pelayanan secara maksimal, serta dapat menunjang pendidikan. Dengan adanya sitem kredit point secara mobile orang tua ataupun wali... more
Dengan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi dewasa ini memberikan banyak manfaat
untuk penyediaan pelayanan secara maksimal, serta dapat menunjang pendidikan. Dengan
adanya sitem kredit point secara mobile orang tua ataupun wali murid dapat dengan mudah
untuk dapat mengetahui perkembangan pada putra didiknya, dan informasi lainya dapat
dengan mudah juga untuk dapat di akses oleh masyarakat pada umummnya serta pihak pihak
yang membutuhkannya dengan waktu yang singkat serta biaya yang relatif lebih murah.
Pada Tugas Akhir ini, penulis akan mengimplementasikan gammu sebagai sms server khusus
untuk sistem kredit point pelanggaran siswa yang berada di SMK Negeri 1 Purbalingga, dan
informasi tersebut nantinya dapat diakses melalui handphone yaitu dengan fasilitas smsnya
dan juga dapat diakses melalui web based dari sms server tersebut.Hal – hal yang dilakukan
antara lain, konfigurasi gammu agar handphone dengan computer dapat berhubungan,
konfigurasi gammu dengan database, membuat layout webnya, menampilkan pesan pada
inbox, menulis pesan, melihat status pesan yang sudah dikirim, membuat form entry data
siswa, mengubah dan menghapusnya, serta membuat sistem autoreply.
Sistem ini dapat diakses melalui web dengan ketentuan terhubung dengan jaringan lokal yang
berada di SMK Negeri 1 Purbalingga. Untuk menjalankan sms server, hal pertama yang
dilakukan menghubungkan antara hanphone dengan komputer menggunakan kabel universal
serial bus  (usb), kemudian menjalankan service gammu melalui file smsserver.bat dan
kemudian membuka web browser.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Technology used to improve quality of life. It is invading every area in human lives and continuously developed in many sectors. The ability of research and development is always done by scientists and engineers. Innovation emerges... more
Technology used to improve quality of life. It is
invading every area in human lives and
continuously developed in many sectors. The ability
of research and development is always done by
scientists and engineers. Innovation emerges
methods for creating and developing activities those
are done by individual or group. In this paper
presents an instrumentation design of gesture
technology that is using two components to transmit
data to other devices, e.g. personal computer (PC)
and mobile devices. The two components are
wireless sensor network (WSN) and short message
service (SMS) modules. These components are
needed to yield a functioning portable
instrumentation. The device used as data controller
to the wireless sensor network and short message
service modules is Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi is an
open-source hardware platform. Implementation of
kinect is used to capture human body motion, i.e.
head, hands, and feet. Each part is scalable as value
of capturing human body motion.
Research Interests:
This paper presents the design and development of a Linux based infrastructure and platform for a wholesale service provider to offer SMS integrated services to retail providers for resale. The multi-tenant platform, capable of providing... more
This paper presents the design and development of a Linux based infrastructure and platform for a wholesale service provider to offer SMS integrated services to retail providers for resale. The multi-tenant platform, capable of providing multiple types of SMS integrated services, was designed and built mainly with off-the-shelf components and open source software. The platform is highly reliable and flexible, enabling fast provision of customisable services by integrating SMS, voice, VoIP, and web services in innovative ways. This paper describes the design of the platform and presents four major application areas.
Research Interests:
After more than 20 years of sporadic separatist insurgency, the Free Aceh Movement and the Indonesian government signed an internationally brokered peace agreement in August 2005, just eight months after the Indian Ocean tsunami... more
After more than 20 years of sporadic separatist insurgency, the Free Aceh Movement and the Indonesian government signed an internationally brokered peace agreement in August 2005, just eight months after the Indian Ocean tsunami devastated Aceh's coastal communities. This paper presents a case study of post-conflict electoral campaign messages that circulated by text message (SMS) around Aceh in advance of the April 2009 legislative elections.  The elections were widely seen as an important benchmark of success for the peace agreement, in which former members of the Free Aceh Movement were given the right to form local, Aceh-based, political parties—the first of its kind in Indonesia—in exchange for relinquishing their demands for independence.  SMS technology is a cheap and efficient medium for spreading campaign messages.  The ability for SMS messages to spread virally, ephemerally, and anonymously also enabled the rapid dissemination of threats and rumors designed to intimidate voters and rival candidates.  Intimidations by SMS generally had their intended effect as they circulated in a setting of pre-election violence including arson, bombs, and targeted murders.  This case study relies upon data that the author collected while working in Aceh as a registered international election observer during the campaign season in advance of the elections.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
The Short Message Service (SMS) technology is one of the most powerful mobile technologies in current usage. Most students own a mobile phone with free SMS which can be used for learning. In this paper we explain how we used SMS for... more
The Short Message Service (SMS) technology is one of the most powerful mobile technologies in current usage. Most students own a mobile phone with free SMS which can be used for learning. In this paper we explain how we used SMS for teaching and learning languages (both native and foreign). The conducted experiment presented a range of opportunities for integrating text into teaching and learning strategies and for demystifying the use of SMS in educational contexts. Via SMS technology we can deliver several learning activities to students easily and immediately. The research findings showed that students had positive perceptions about the experiment and SMS use for learning improvement and the use of their own mobile phone as a learning tool. All groups showed interest in receiving educational content via SMS. Some students greatly improved their language learning performance.
Research Interests:
Academia © 2015