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RESUMEN El Nacionalsocialismo constituyó para Heidegger un proyecto cultural en el que parecía estar en juego el resurgimiento de Alemania, de allí que la adhesión de Heidegger a dicho movimiento deba ser entendida como una posición... more
El Nacionalsocialismo constituyó para Heidegger un proyecto cultural en el que parecía estar  en juego el resurgimiento de Alemania, de allí que la adhesión de Heidegger a dicho movimiento deba ser entendida como una posición político metafísica, un pretendido “nacionalsocialismo privado”,  estrechamente ligada a su imaginario filoagrario, a su apego a la tierra y su rechazo de la racionalidad técnica. La posición de Heidegger, sin embargo, olvida los componentes esenciales del movimiento y la ideología nazi, movimiento que fue siempre una mezcla incongruente de tradicionalismo e innovación, de ruralismo bucólico e hipermodernismo, de mistificación de los valores vernáculos de la tierra, y tecnificación avanzada para la guerra más demoledora.
Dr. Adolfo Vásquez Rocca
- VÁSQUEZ ROCCA, Adolfo, "Heidegger y Sloterdijk: La política como plástica del ser, nacionalsocialismo privado y crítica del imaginario filoagrario" En NÓMADAS, Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Nº 21 | Enero-Junio.2009 (I)  pp. 381-393.
The article deals with the relationship between work and recognition, taking Axel Honneth’s social-philosophical theory of the struggle for recognition as its point of departure. In order to give sociological substance to Honneth’s... more
The article deals with the relationship between work and recognition, taking Axel Honneth’s social-philosophical theory of the struggle for recognition as its point of departure. In order to give sociological substance to Honneth’s theory, we turn to three contemporary social theorists – Jean-Pierre Le Goff, Christophe Dejours and Emmanuel Renault. In spite of many differences, their work is united by a critical description of the logic of work and its consequences for individual individuation. These theorists agree that the growth of autonomy, flexibility and mobility has destabilised individual and collective identity formation and has led to an increase in social pathological illnesses such as stress and depression. By juxta- posing these analyses with Honneth’s theory on recognition, we conclude that the contemporary logic of work is unable to provide adequate forms of recognition. Individuals are seemingly caught up in a continual battle for recognition without ever having the possibility of receiving proper respect.
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The term co-creation refers to the emergence and rise of consumers’ participation in making and circulating media content, participation that has become a salient source of economic and symbolic value. The recuperation of this content for... more
The term co-creation refers to the emergence and rise of consumers’ participation in making and circulating media content, participation that has become a salient source of economic and symbolic value. The recuperation of this content for commercial purposes has been progressively acknowledged, but less is known about how these co-creative practices shape the work of professional media producers. In this article, I investi- gate this issue by exploring the work of professional climbing photographers. Climbing magazines and brands now use consumers’ produced content and the latter circulates on the channels traditionally reserved for professional content. Professional photographers, therefore, have to develop different strategies to secure work opportunities, and their work is becoming increasingly multilayered. In addition, while the co-creative practices may be pleasurable for consumers, their impacts on the work of professionals result in an increase of labor  to sustain professionals’ livelihoods as media producers.
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This paper discusses the means by which work is normalised, some of the manifestations of its normalisation, and the possibilities for the denormalisation of work provided by the renewal of ‘political’ economy. It suggests that normality... more
This paper discusses the means by which work is normalised, some of the manifestations of its normalisation, and the possibilities for the denormalisation of work provided by the renewal of ‘political’ economy. It suggests that normality is not a static, fixed status which attaches itself permanently to a given social practice or phenomenon, but is subject to a process, constantly in movement and in need of reinforcement. This process is what we might call ‘normalisation’. Normality is attained by means of normalisation not only in policy or popular ideology, but moreover in academic representations of the world. Academic representations do not simply reflect an external social reality, but are part of it. This paper asks what is left out in economic accounts of work, and what is missing when stock is taken only of numbers. It is suggested that political economy politicises that which the economic reason of pure economics, which has superseded it hegemonically, obfuscates. Work is central among those social phenomena that economics helps reduce to abstract, quantitative residues of what are in fact more complex networks of social relations, disciplining procedures, and modes of resistance. This paper suggests that the ‘normality’ that work possesses in capitalist society can be challenged by making these qualitative aspects ‘public’, making apparent the essential uncertainty underlying work in the context of a society moving away from it, and exposing the irreconcilable demands and desires on which its unsteady normality teeters, confronting the smooth quantitative space of economics with that which it fears most: difference, heterogeneity, incommensurability. By making these aspects public, they are rendered political and thus subject to critique. The critique and repoliticising of work opens up the opportunity of its ideological contestation and, ultimately, the possibility of its overcoming.
La notable ausencia de abordajes etnográficos en los numerosos estudios sobre los sindicatos y el sindicalismo durante la post convertibilidad ha redundado en una gran limitación a la hora de aprehender las prácticas gremiales... more
La notable ausencia de abordajes etnográficos en los numerosos estudios sobre los sindicatos y el sindicalismo
durante la post convertibilidad ha redundado en una gran limitación a la hora de aprehender
las prácticas gremiales desplegadas por los trabajadores. Este artículo constituye un intento por
resaltar la importancia de la etnografía para el estudio de los sindicatos en términos de relaciones de
intercambio. Por este motivo se analizan las prácticas y estrategias sindicales de los trabajadores de la
construcción miembros de la seccional platense de la UOCRA, concluyendo que el giro experimentado
por éste sindicato a partir de la crisis social y económica de 1997-2002 permitió organizar y fortalecer
las estrategias de reproducción social de los trabajadores del sector.
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El objetivo central de esta ponencia es analizar las prácticas desarrolladas por los trabajadores de la administración pública en su trabajo cotidiano que irán conformando la distribución de posiciones y sus relaciones al interior del... more
El objetivo central de esta ponencia es analizar las prácticas desarrolladas por los trabajadores de la administración pública en su trabajo cotidiano que irán conformando la distribución de posiciones y sus relaciones al interior del espacio laboral. Éstas, a la vez, son actividades que en un proceso dinámico devienen estructuradas y objetivas al ser el sustento de la reproducción de ese espacio socialmente estructurado y de sus grupos dominantes. De manera que el estudio de esas experiencias, es también el estudio de posiciones desiguales y de relaciones de dominación. Muchas de las características de este juego peculiar desarrollado en el espacio laboral, no serán privativas de la administración pública, pero una comparación con otros sectores del mundo del trabajo quedará para trabajos futuros.
En este marco, intentaremos abordar el estudio de la Dirección de Cultura y Educación de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (DGCyE). Para ello hemos realizado nuestro trabajo de campo fundamentalmente con herramientas de tipo cualitativo ente septiembre y diciembre de 2007. Hay que aclarar que debemos la inspiración de esta problemática a los estudios de Pierre Bourdieu. De este destacado autor hemos tomado varias de sus ideas centrales y algunos de sus conceptos para ensayar varias de las respuestas que aquí se presentan a modo de hipótesis
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This one-day international conference interrogates the relation between contemporary artistic production and postfordist labour relations. How do artists work today? As an Anthropologies of Art (A/A) Network research event, the... more
This one-day international conference interrogates the relation between contemporary artistic production and postfordist labour relations. How do artists work today?

As an Anthropologies of Art (A/A) Network research event, the conference also seeks to map out a range of contemporary approaches to a wider set of questions:

- What can anthropological analysis contribute to understanding the changing nature of labour, flexibilisation, and the entrepreneurial subject?

- In what ways do freelance artists reflect or perpetuate flexible working conditions?

- What are the distinctions between artistic self-making and artistic self-marketing?

Contributors from France, The Netherlands, Germany, and the UK will be discussing case studies addressing artistic production in music, law, film, theatre, and visual art.

KEYNOTE: Georgina Born (Music/Anthropology, Oxford)
Organiser: Jonas Tinius (Anthropology, Cambridge)
Ferdinand Zweig, who seems to be forgotten today, was one of the most eminent representatives of the so-called “Cracow School,” an influential circle of economists associated with the Jagiellonian University. Zweig, as one of the ardent... more
Ferdinand Zweig, who seems to be forgotten today, was one of the most eminent representatives of the so-called “Cracow School,” an influential circle of economists associated with the Jagiellonian University.
Zweig, as one of the ardent defenders and advocates of the revival of liberalism, devoted part of his considerations to the ‘nature’ of one of the fundamental social institutions, standing in the centre of the liberal doctrine, namely, the category of ownership. The idea of ownership as a socioeconomic problem is never suspended in a vacuum; thus, in order to consider its place in Zweig’s thinking, we should refer to this author’s fascination with the liberal doctrine and his attitude to socialism, and in more detailed considerations as to the motifs of the criticism of monopolisation of the capitalist economy, expectations related to the stock form of ownership, and finally, issues related to social structure should be addressed.
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Record industry work involves a peculiar combination of precariousness and passion. Based on interview and participant observation data, I consider how balancing these two extremes can prove tenuous over time. While nonmonetary rewards... more
Record industry work involves a peculiar combination of precariousness and passion. Based on interview and participant observation data, I consider how balancing these two extremes can prove tenuous over time. While nonmonetary rewards count as payment, disenchantment (or the inability to deal with a loss or routinization of passion) is identified as a key reason for quitting or getting let go, and occurs for three key reasons: precariousness; changing relationship to music; and aging out. I thereby provide a snapshot of record industry work conditions and show how the digital era has exacerbated these three pressures to exit. I conclude with thoughts on future research.
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Sue Shepherd reflects on what lies behind the increase in the salaries of vice chancellors and other executive team members over recent years and what this tells us about trends in the management of universities today.
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¿Cómo participaban las mujeres en la economía de la Hispania imperial? Ese es el interrogante del que parte este libro. A través de las inscripciones epigráficas, datadas en las tres primeras centurias de nuestra era, se plantea un... more
¿Cómo participaban las mujeres en la economía de la Hispania imperial? Ese es el interrogante del que parte este libro. A través de las inscripciones epigráficas, datadas en las tres primeras centurias de nuestra era, se plantea un recorrido que recupera la memoria de algunas de esas mujeres, cuya historia ha quedado escrita en piedra. Mujeres y economía en la Hispania romana, un estudio de historia social y de historia de las mujeres, reflexiona sobre el trabajo femenino y la participación las aristócratas hispanas en determinados negocios y propiedades, así como su papel de benefactoras de las ciudades en las que vivieron. Pero, además del análisis de estas inscripciones, este volumen plantea la necesidad de acercarse al pasado con nuevas miradas, buscando un acercamiento a la economía y a la participación pública protagonizadas por las mujeres, ricas o humildes, libres o esclavas, puesto que todas, con su trabajo o con su riqueza, contribuyeron al desarrollo de las ciudades de Hispania.
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