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Pump House, Blandford Forum

Description: Pump House

Grade: I
Date Listed: 27 October 1950
English Heritage Building ID: 102213

OS Grid Reference: ST8853406296
OS Grid Coordinates: 388534, 106296
Latitude/Longitude: 50.8561, -2.1643

Location: 1 Church Lane, Blandford Forum, Dorset DT11 7AH

Locality: Blandford Forum
Local Authority: North Dorset District Council
County: Dorset
Country: England
Postcode: DT11 7AH

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Listing Text

(East Side)
Pump House
ST 8806 1/63 27.10.50.


Built against Churchyard wall. Dated 1760. An inscription explains that it
was erected by John Bastard in memory of the fire of 1731. It consists of a
pedimented canopy supported on Roman Doric columns, and is an example of the
Bastards' later and more severely classical style. The entablature has triglyphs
and other classical detail. Portland stone. In 1897 a fountain was substituted
for the pump.

All the listed buildings in Market Place, and Nos 59 to 73 (odd) East Street,
Conyer's Filling Station, Nos 1 to 7 (odd), Nos 2 to 8 (even) and No 12 West
Street, and Church of St Peter and St Paul form a group.

Listing NGR: ST8853406295

This text is a legacy record and has not been updated since the building was originally listed. Details of the building may have changed in the intervening time. You should not rely on this listing as an accurate description of the building.

Source: English Heritage

Listed building text is © Crown Copyright. Reproduced under licence.