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Building Systematic Theology

Building Systematic Theology cover art
Instructor: Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.
Lessons: 4
Forums: 4
Discipline: Theology
Course Group: Introduction to Theological Studies

Throughout the history of the church, faithful Christians have used systematic theology to communicate the teachings of our faith. Systematics has proven to be a helpful tool for expressing ideas clearly, and for organizing them in ways that increase our understanding of Scripture. At times, this approach to theology has been misused, but when employed in submission to Scripture, systematic theology provides Christians with a reliable method for understanding and teaching biblical truth.

Course Goals:

  • Explain the history and justification of systematic theology.
  • Describe the method and uses of systematic theology.

97 min.

Lesson 1: What is Systematic Theology?

Compares New Testament theology with Systematic theology, surveys historical developments, and explores the values and dangers of Systematic theology.
97 min.

Lesson 1: What is Systematic Theology?

Compares New Testament theology with Systematic theology, surveys historical developments, and explores the values and dangers of Systematic theology.
Compares New Testament theology with Systematic theology, surveys historical developments, and explores the values and dangers of Systematic theology.
98 min.

Forum 1: What is Systematic Theology?

Q&A on Lesson 1 with Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.
88 min.

Lesson 2: Technical Terms in Systematics

Begins with a general orientation toward technical terms, explores the formation of technical terms as well as the values and dangers of technical terms.
88 min.

Lesson 2: Technical Terms in Systematics

Begins with a general orientation toward technical terms, explores the formation of technical terms as well as the values and dangers of technical terms.
Begins with a general orientation toward technical terms, explores the formation of technical terms as well as the values and dangers of technical terms.
87 min.

Forum 2: Technical Terms in Systematics

Q&A on Lesson 2 with Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.
86 min.

Lesson 3: Propositions in Systematics

Begins with a general orientation, explains the formation of propositions as well as the values and dangers of propositions.
60 min.

Forum 3: Propositions in Systematics

Q&A on Lesson 3 with Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.
104 min.

Lesson 4: Doctrines in Systematics

Begins with a general orientation, explains the formation of doctrines as well as the values and dangers of doctrines.
86 min.

Forum 4: Doctrines in Systematics

Q&A on Lesson 4 with Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.