
The lexicographic macrostructure is not merely the arrangement of lemmata, but a structure that applies to the dictionary as a whole. For descriptive purposes, one distinction between the macrostructure of dictionarie... more abstract

Languages and Linguistics, Lexicology, Applied Linguistics, Lexicography, and Dictionary

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Learner lexicography as a research area has attracted increased attention during the past decades, but what is actually the true nature of learner lexicography? This question calls for a complex answer. Learner lexico... more abstract

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Specialised translation dictionaries for learners are reference tools that can help users with domain discourse in a foreign language in connection with translation. The most common type is the business dictionary cov... more abstract

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Dictionaries of the future will, to an increasing extent, be regarded as ‘digital assistants’. This development may be explained in terms of economic sectors in modern society: dictionaries are in a transitional phase... more abstract

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Online law dictionaries based on traditional linguistic and text linguistic approaches do not fully satisfy the needs for help lawyers, students and professional translators have in specific types of situation. This s... more abstract

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Terminology and Linguistics

Publication Date: 2012

Publication Name: Terminology

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Terminology and Linguistics

Publication Date: 2014

Publication Name: Terminology

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This paper describes some selected aspects of the pre-conceptual work in connection with an Internet-based Danish-English dictionary treating the field of accounting. The emphasis is on text-dependent and text-indepen... more abstract


Publication Date: 2002

Publication Name: LexicoNordica 9-2002

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Literary studies, Hermes, and Historical Studies

Publication Name: Hermes

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Literary studies, Hermes, and Historical Studies

Publication Name: Hermes

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The lexicographic macrostructure is not merely the arrangement of lemmata, but a structure that applies to the dictionary as a whole. For descriptive purposes, one distinction between the macrostructure of dictionarie... more abstract

Languages and Linguistics, Lexicology, Applied Linguistics, Lexicography, and Dictionary

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Learner lexicography as a research area has attracted increased attention during the past decades, but what is actually the true nature of learner lexicography? This question calls for a complex answer. Learner lexico... more abstract

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Specialised translation dictionaries for learners are reference tools that can help users with domain discourse in a foreign language in connection with translation. The most common type is the business dictionary cov... more abstract

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Dictionaries of the future will, to an increasing extent, be regarded as ‘digital assistants’. This development may be explained in terms of economic sectors in modern society: dictionaries are in a transitional phase... more abstract

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Online law dictionaries based on traditional linguistic and text linguistic approaches do not fully satisfy the needs for help lawyers, students and professional translators have in specific types of situation. This s... more abstract

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Terminology and Linguistics

Publication Date: 2012

Publication Name: Terminology

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Terminology and Linguistics

Publication Date: 2014

Publication Name: Terminology

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This paper describes some selected aspects of the pre-conceptual work in connection with an Internet-based Danish-English dictionary treating the field of accounting. The emphasis is on text-dependent and text-indepen... more abstract


Publication Date: 2002

Publication Name: LexicoNordica 9-2002

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Literary studies, Hermes, and Historical Studies

Publication Name: Hermes

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Literary studies, Hermes, and Historical Studies

Publication Name: Hermes

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