Sega to rebrand Index as Atlus in April, creates new division

Sega Sammy will rename Index to Atlus Co., Ltd. on April 1, the company  announced today, while a new subsidiary focussing on non-game business will be spun off to "ensure synergy" across Sega.

Also on April 1, Index Digital Media will be rebranded as Atlus U.S.A., Inc. While Atlus Co. will remain the main game development arm, Sega plans to split off a non-consumer game operation of Index into a new subsidiary. Called Index Corporation, the new company will oversee contents and solution businesses, such as internet marketing and systems development.

According to the press release, the spin off  "is to ensure synergy" across each of the Sega and Sega Sammy Group businesses and to aide in further growth of "transferring company's business and to encourage the development of new" ones.

Index Corporation, the then parent company of Japanese publisher and developer Atlus, filed for bankruptcy last June and had its stock delisted on July 28. At the time, it reportedly owed debts of 24.5 billion yen ($224 million). Sega Sammy Holdings then acquired Index Corporation for 14 billion yen ($140 million) in November. Sega Dream Corporation was established as a subsidiary of Sega Sammy Holdings to oversee the transfer of Index operations.

Later that month, Sega Sammy chief operating officer Naoya Tsurumi stated that the company has given the go ahead to Atlus to make use of all currently dormant Sega IP, including Sakura Wars, Jet Set Radio and Space Channel 5.

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