Image of the Tempietto in Kogan Plaza during cherry blossom season

Online Learning

As one of the nation’s first major universities to launch online programs, the George Washington University provides students from all backgrounds—and all locations around the world—with online educational opportunities of the highest quality. Our online degree programs span the full range of liberal arts, business, education, medicine, nursing and pre-professional disciplines.

We fully recognize the importance of investing in a great education. With GW’s online programs, you will receive the same world-class education that has trained thousands of leaders and public servants to make their mark on the world and become a force for the greater good.

The DC Difference

No matter where you may be located, as a GW student you will benefit from the university’s extraordinary access to the nation’s leaders and leading institutions in Washington, D.C. In fact, you will encounter many of them in class as guest speakers and lecturers, professional networking contacts, public policy connections and even as your professors. As a result, you will gain both the rare practical knowledge and insider advantage common to all GW students.

Academic Rigor & the Online Experience

GW Online Programs maintains a student-instructor ratio that is actually lower than in-person classes, ensuring that you receive plenty of interactivity with your professors and classmates, many of whom have had significant life experiences and/or deep industry-specific knowledge that will benefit you both in and outside of the classroom. Via real-time video seminars, discussion threads, and customized assignments and projects based on your interests and professional goals, GW creates an enriching, personalized learning environment. Plus, we are constantly improving our technological capabilities and program materials, ensuring that you receive the most modern educational experience.  

All the Prestige, All the Convenience

If you complete an online program from GW, you earn a GW degree. We make no distinctions between the degrees earned online and the ones earned on the physical campus—because there is no distinction. You will learn the same lessons, often from the same professors, as the students on campus do. In fact, as you receive all of the benefits and job prospects that come along with earning a degree from GW, you also have all the convenience of independent, online learning.

For a listing of online courses by semester, please refer to our Schedule of Classes