Institutional Bias Example

When a lab­o­ra­tory ana­lyst caves into pres­sure from super­vi­sors, inves­ti­ga­tors, or pros­e­cu­tors, it’s the worst thing that can hap­pen in a crime lab.

Either manip­u­lat­ing results to make false pos­i­tives, or increas­ing amounts in order to obtain increased sen­tenc­ing, the ana­lyst (and to some extent the entire lab) stops being an advo­cate for the truth (sci­ence), and becomes

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NC:SBI Analysts are Advocates for the Prosecution…

…well that is what the arti­cle below contends.

If only a quar­ter of the infor­ma­tion in the fol­low­ing arti­cle is true, it indi­cates the North Carolina foren­sic lab sys­tem is in need of an extreme overhaul.

Witness for the pros­e­cu­tion: Crime lab is loyal to law enforce­ment
SBI ana­lysts, in lock­step with police and pros­e­cu­tors, seek con­vic­tions — often

[Continue Reading NC:SBI Analysts are Advocates for the Prosecution……]


Ft. Lauderdale Police to Use Private Lab to Help Fight Crime

Most peo­ple will never directly be the vic­tim of a vio­lent crime. Many more will be the vic­tim of prop­erty crimes. Due to pri­or­i­ti­za­tion, and back­logs in gov­ern­ment crime labs, police depart­ment should fol­low Ft. Lauderdale PD’s lead — send prop­erty crime evi­dence to private labs.

Quicker turn around will lead to quicker arrests, and less

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Cops Fight to Keep Control of Crime Lab

Even after the report by the National Academy of Sciences rec­om­mend­ing that foren­sic labs be inde­pen­dent of police and prosecutor’s offices, those groups still fight to give not give up con­trol (and thereby influ­ence the results of foren­sic analy­sis) of crime labs.

D.C.‘s top foren­sic sci­en­tist has been trans­ferred out of the police depart­ment amid an increas­ingly bitter

[Continue Reading Cops Fight to Keep Control of Crime Lab…]


Institutional Bias Examined

Recently the NAS report described how insti­tu­tional bias should be avoided by hav­ing crime labs removed from police/prosecutor’s agen­cies. The arti­cle quoted below ran in, and talks about how police offi­cers can con­tribute to bias in foren­sic examination.

A police offi­cer rushes up to the fin­ger­print exam­iner and pleads for help.

The sus­pect sit­ting in the interrogation

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