On Parenting: Meghan Leahy, Amy Joyce take questions about parenting

    Editor's Note: Washington Post moderators retain editorial control over discussions and choose the most relevant questions for guests and hosts; guests and hosts can decline to answer questions. The Washington Post is not responsible for any content posted by third parties. Discussion guidelines
    Apr 29, 2015 | 11:00 AM EDT

    Meghan Leahy, a parenting coach with Positively Parenting, and On Parenting editor Amy Joyce will talk about parenting children of all ages.

    Chat starts on Apr 29, 2015 at 11:00 AM EDT
    Send in your questions now!

      Editor's Note: Washington Post moderators retain editorial control over discussions and choose the most relevant questions for guests and hosts; guests and hosts can decline to answer questions. The Washington Post is not responsible for any content posted by third parties. Discussion guidelines
      In This Chat
      Meghan Leahy
      Meghan Leahy is a D.C.-based parent coach.
      Amy Joyce
      Amy Joyce has been at The Post, well, for a long time. Her first foray in to online chats were related to work. Now she's happy to chat about fun (but would like to believe the two can be one). She has been a Business reporter, editor for Weekend and the Going Out guide, and is now editing and writing for OnParenting. When not at work, she can be seen unsuccessfully dodging wiffle balls in her front yard.
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