Friday, February 08, 2013

Books by Dave Armstrong: The Quotable Summa Theologica

Painting: Saint Thomas Aquinas, 1476, by Carlo Crivelli (c. 1435 – c. 1495)

[200 pages; completed on 29 January 2013 and published at Lulu on 30 January 2013]

--- for info. on purchasing (paperback / e-book), go to the bottom of the page ---


St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) was without question the greatest theologian in the history of the Catholic Church, and the Summa Theologica (1271-1274) was his masterpiece and one of the most influential theological books ever written.
The goal herein is to make the thought and reasoning of this marvelous compendium of the Angelic Doctor more accessible and able to be referenced quickly. My overwhelming emphasis in collecting excerpts will be on theology itself; with far less on the topics of spirituality, ethics, and other areas.
Many times, frankly, I have been too lazy, myself, to “barrel through” the Summa Theologica to find an answer as to what St. Thomas thought on thus-and-so. Sometimes even those of us who love Aquinas, have neither the time nor desire (in the course of a busy day) to read through the reasoning chain that he uses in the Summa to come to his conclusions. This is, of course, a defect in us, and not at all in Aquinas, but it is what it is.

St. Thomas’ style in the Summa is a wonderful method and fabulous teaching device, but I think there are a lot of people like me who would also like to see concise, easily obtainable “answers” from Aquinas: in a more or less “catechetical” format (rather than apologetic or philosophical: with more elaborate explanations).

I hope you, the reader, will benefit from my true labor of love. I’ve immensely enjoyed learning from this fabulous teaching, as I compiled the “quotable” excerpts. May this work be used by God to send further grace upon many, via St. Thomas Aquinas.

 Source Information and Abbreviations

Summa Theologica (1271-1274), literally translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province; second revised edition (New York: Benziger Brothers, 1947; now in the public domain).

Abbreviations used:

The first part (prima pars): 1

The first part of the second part (prima secundae partis): 1-2

The second part of the second part (secunda secundae partis): 2-2

The third part (tertia pars): 3

The supplement (supplementum tertiae partis): suppl.

ST 1, q. 3, a. 2c = First part, Question 3, Article 2, corpus: i.e., Thomas’ solution in the body of the article.

ST 2-2, q. 75, a. 1, ad 3 = Second part of the second part, Question 75, Article 1, reply to third objection. 

ST 3, q. 10, a. 3, sed contra = Third part, Question 10, Article 3, argument in opposition to objection(s): “on the contrary . . .”

ST suppl., q. 17, a. 3, ad 2 = Supplement, Question 17, Article 3, reply to second objection.

[all posted to Facebook, unless indicated otherwise]

On Apologetics and Reason and Faith

Brilliant Short Proof of Monotheism

On God's Middle Knowledge (Scientia Media)

On the Sabellian Heresy (aka Modal Monarchianism)

Application of Vatican II Advice 700 Years Early (Effective New Methods of Sharing Ancient Truths)

On the Material Sufficiency of Scripture

St. Thomas vs. Astrology

On the Spiritual Gifts

On Development of Doctrine

On Initial (Imputed) Justification: of the "Ungodly"

On "Cafeteria Catholics" / Dissenters / Modernists

On the Veneration of Saints, Images, and Relics 

On the Perpetual Virginity of Mary

On the Seven Sacraments

Opponent of Sola Scriptura and Advocate for the Catholic Rule of Faith (Bible-Church-Tradition)

Index of Topics 
 [214 total]

Angels and Our Thoughts (p. 11)
Angels: Assuming of Bodies (p. 11)
Angels, Guardian (p. 12)
Angels: Immaterial Spirits (p. 13)
Angels, Intercession of (p. 14)
Angels, Quantity of (p. 14)
Angels: Sinless (p. 14)
Anointing the Sick with Consecrated Oil (Sacrament) (p. 14)
Apologetics (p. 16)
Apostasy (Falling Away from the Faith or Salvation) (p. 18)
Apostolic Succession (p. 19)
Astrology (Falsity of) (p. 20)
Atonement, Universal (p. 20)
Baptism and Salvation (p. 21)
Baptism and Sanctification (p. 21)
Baptism, Infant (p. 21)
Baptism, Method or Mode of (p. 22)
Baptism of Desire / Baptism of Blood (p. 23)
Baptismal Regeneration (p. 24)
Beatific Vision (p. 25)
Celibacy and Singleness (p. 28)
Church: Authority of (p. 28)
Church, Infallibility of (p. 28)
Confession (p. 29)
Confirmation, Sacrament of (p. 30)
Conscience, Examination of / Moral Assurance (p. 33)
Creation Ex Nihilo (p. 33)
Creeds and Catechisms (p. 34)
Cross of Christ, Adoration of (p. 35)
Cross (Symbol), Veneration of (p. 36)
Dead: Almsgiving for (p. 36)
Dead: Fasting for (p. 36)
Dead: Indulgences for (p. 36)
Dead: Masses for (p. 36)
Dead: Offerings for (p. 37)
Dead: Prayer for (p. 37)
Dead: Works on Behalf of (p. 39)
Demons (p. 39)
Deuterocanon (“Apocrypha”) (p. 41)
Development (of Doctrine) (p. 43)
Disputations (p. 46)
Dissent (from Catholicism)  (p. 46)
Divorce and Remarriage (p. 47)
Dogma and Doctrine (p. 48)
Earth: Sphericity of (p. 49)
Eternity (p. 49)
Eucharist and Sanctification (p. 49)
Eucharist: Real Substantial Presence; Transubstantiation (p. 50)
Eucharistic Adoration (p. 54)
Evangelism (p. 55)
Evangelism and Salvation (p. 55)
Evil (p. 55)
Evolution (p. 56)
Faith (p. 57)
Faith and Obedience (p. 59)
Faith and Reason (p. 59)
Faith and Works (p. 61)
Faith, Hope, and Charity (p. 61)
Faith, Implicit (p. 63)
Fasting and Abstinence (p. 64)
Free Will (p. 64)
Gifts, Spiritual (p. 66)
God: Above Reason / Ultimate Mystery of (p. 66)
God and Anthropomorphism (Physical Characteristics Metaphorically Attributed to Him) (p. 67)
God and Anthropopathism (Human Emotions Metaphorically Attributed to Him) (p. 68)
God and Predestination (p. 69)
God and Reprobation (p. 69)
God: Argument from Necessary Being (p. 70)
God: Circumincession / Coinherence / Perichoresis (p. 71)
God: Cosmological Argument for (p. 71)
God: Creator (p. 72)
God: Eternal (p. 74)
God: Existence of (Self-Evident?) (p. 74)
God: Holy Trinity (p. 74)
God: Immaterial Spirit (p. 75)
God: Immutability of (p. 75)
God: Impassibility of (p. 76)
God: Judge; Justice of (p. 76)
God: Love of (p. 76)
God: Mercy of (p. 77)
God: Middle Knowledge of (p. 77)
God: Not the Author or Source of Evil or Sin (p. 78)
God: Omnipotence of (p. 80)
God: Omnipresence of (p. 81)
God: Omniscience of (p. 81)
God: Ontological Argument for (Falsity of) (p. 82)
God: Outside of Time (p. 82)
God: Personal Relationship or Communion with (p. 83)
God, Providence of (p. 83)
God: Self-Existent; Self-Sufficient (p. 85)
God: Simplicity of (p. 85)
God: Sovereignty of (p. 86)
God: Sovereignty Related to Human Free Will (p. 86)
God: Sustainer of Creation  (p. 87)
God the Father: Monarchia  / Principatus of (p. 89)
God: Will of (p. 89)
Grace Alone (for Justification and Salvation) (p. 90)
Grace and Reason (p. 93)
Grace: Degrees or Greater Measure of  (p. 93)
Grace, Irresistible (Falsity of) (p. 94)
Happiness (p. 94)
Hardening of the Heart (p. 95)
Healing (p. 95)
Hell and Time (p. 96)
Hell: Differential Punishments (p. 96)
Hell (Eternal Punishment) (p. 96)
Heresy; Heretics (p. 97)
Holy Items (p. 98)
Holy Orders; Ordination (Sacrament) (p. 99)
Holy Places; Shrines (p. 100)
Holy Spirit as Love (p. 101)
Holy Spirit: Procession of (Filioque Dispute) (p. 101)
Hope (p. 103)
Ignorance (p. 104)
Ignorance, Invincible (p. 104)
Images, Icons, and Statues: Use and Veneration of (p. 105)
Indulgences (p. 106)
Jesus Christ: Begotten (p. 107)
Jesus Christ: Divinity of (p. 107)
Jesus Christ: Hypostatic Union / Two Natures (p. 108)
Jesus Christ: “Ignorance” of Certain Matters? (p. 108)
Jesus Christ: “Image” of the Father (p. 108)
Jesus Christ: Impeccability (Sinlessness) (p. 109)
Jesus Christ: “Made Sin” (p. 109)
Jesus Christ: Omnipotent (p. 110)
Jesus Christ: Omniscient (p. 110)
Jesus Christ: Redeemer and Savior (p. 110)
Jesus Christ: Virgin Birth (p. 115)
Joy (p. 116)
Justification by Faith (p. 116)
Justification, Imputed  (Initial) (p. 116)
Justification, Infused (Sanctification) (p. 118)
Knowledge and the Senses (p. 119)
Law and the New Covenant (p. 120)
Love (Charity) (p. 121)
Marriage: Sacrament (p. 122)
Mary: Bodily Assumption (p. 122)
Mary: Mediatrix (p. 122)
Mary: Mother of God (Theotokos) (p. 123)
Mary: Perpetual Virginity of  (p. 124)
Mary: Sanctification in the Womb (Similar to the Immaculate Conception) (p. 127)
Mary: Sinlessness (p. 131)
Mary: Veneration of (p. 133)
Mary: Virginity In Partu (During Childbirth) (p. 134)
Mass, Daily (p. 135)
Mass: Offered by the Entire Congregation (p. 136)
Mass, Sacrifice of (and the Crucifixion) (p. 136)
Merit (p. 137)
Miracles (p. 139)
Monotheism (p. 139)
Nestorianism (Heresy) (p. 139)
Original Sin; Fall of Man (p. 139)
Paganism and Christianity (p. 141)
Papacy; Popes (p. 142)
Papal Infallibility (p. 143)
Peace (p. 143)
Penance: Absolution (p. 144)
Penance and Salvation (p. 144)
Penance (Sacrament) and Temporal Punishment (p. 145)
Peter: Primacy of (p. 147)
Philosophy and Salvation (p. 148)
Philosophy and Scripture (p. 148)
Private Judgment (False Principle of) (p. 148)
Purgatory (p. 148)
Repentance (p. 149)
Revelation and Faith (p. 150)
Revelation and Reason (p. 150)
Rule of Faith / “Three-Legged Stool” (Bible-Church-Tradition)  (p. 151)
Sabellianism (Heresy) (p. 151)
Sacramental Intention (p. 152)
Sacramentals (p. 152)
Sacraments (p. 153)
Sacraments and Christ’s Passion (p. 154)
Sacraments and Grace (p. 154)
Sacraments and Salvation (p. 156)
Sacraments and Sanctification (p. 157)
Sacraments: Ex Opere Operato (p. 159)
Sacraments: Seven (p. 160)
Saints: Awareness of and Contact with This World  (p. 163)
Saints, Communion of (p. 164)
Saints, Intercession of (p. 164)
Saints, Invocation of (p. 168)
Saints: Relics of (p. 169)
Saints, Veneration of  (p. 170)
Salvation and Fear (p. 171)
Salvation and Wisdom (p. 171)
Salvation, Instantaneous (Falsity of) (p. 171)
Satan (p. 172)
Schism; Separation (p. 173)
Scripture: Hermeneutics (Interpretation) (p. 174)
Scripture: Inerrancy and Infallibility (p. 176)
Scripture: Material Sufficiency of (p. 176)
Sectarianism (p. 177)
Sin (p. 177)
Sin, Degrees of (p. 178)
Sin, Mortal  (p. 179)
Sin, Venial (p. 181)
Soul (p. 182)
Suffering, Redemptive (Participation in Christ’s Suffering) (p. 182)
Synergy: Cooperation with God’s Grace as “Co-Laborers” and Secondary Mediators (p. 183)
Teachers, Christian (p. 185)
Theology and Material Figures (p. 186)
Theology and Figures / Metaphors (p. 186)
Theology, Natural / Teleological Argument for God (p. 186)
Theology: Queen of the Sciences (p. 187)
Theosis; Divinization (p. 187)
Total Depravity (Falsity of); Human Nature (p. 188)
Tradition, Apostolic (p. 189)
Tradition, Oral (p. 191)
Trinity and Salvation (p. 191)
Unbelief (p. 192)
War, Just (p. 193)
Wisdom (p. 194)
Works, Good (in Grace) (p. 194)

Back Cover

 Annunciation with St Emidius, 1486, by Carlo Crivelli (c. 1435 – c. 1495)

Purchase Information

Paperback ($19.95 / 20% Lulu Discount: $15.96)




Updated on  17 April 2014.

* * * * *

1 comment:

David Waltz said...

Hi Dave,

There is an excellent (IMHO) discussion concerning Aquinas's doctrine of the Trinity that has recently started over at AF:


I would be very interested in your thoughts, if you have the time and interest...

Grace and peace,
