Scientific American Custom Media and Partnership Programs

Custom Media Webinar: Taking Medical Travel SeriouslyCUSTOM MEDIA WEBINAR: TAKING MEDICAL TRAVEL SERIOUSLY
Poduced in association with the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council. Explore some of the key issues driving the next wave of medical travel and how both patients and companies are taking a new look….

Watch the trailer for the webinar


Cardiovascular disease and related noncommunicable diseases were once considered a problem that only wealthy, industrialized nations faced. Together, they now rank as the leading cause of death across the globe. The vast majority of those deaths—more than 80 percent—occur in low- and middle-income countries. To address this massive global health problem, the U.S. Institute of Medicine formed a committee to create a set of tangible recommendations that would catalyze and focus action. In this special issue, Promoting Cardiovascular Health Worldwide, some of the world's foremost authorities on cardiovascular disease elaborate on the Institute of Medicine's 12 recommendations. The 12 feature articles provide concrete examples of programs that are working effectively on the ground, reflect on global progress made—and define a way forward. Produced in collaboration with Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Only a broad expanse of expertise—including that of scientists and sociologists, patients and physicians, researchers and regulators—can battle and subdue this disparate family of diseases. Here, we listen in as experts converse about the latest medical advances poised to someday render cancer a manageable and predictable condition. Equally important are the lessons that this new “war” can teach us about innovation in general, and its value to society. Produced in collaboration with Celgene.

Rapid improvements in genome sequencing technologies are making the field of personal genomics one of the hottest areas of medicine today. Leadership in this field gathered over the course of Digital Health Summit at the Consumer Electronics Show to discuss this areas promising future. Produced in collaboration with Life Technologies.

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