Rosemary Heights in Surrey is richest place in Metro Vancouver



Click on the map to get more information about a particular neighbourhood. The darker the colour, the richer people are in that place. The richest five neighbourhoods are shown in green, the poorest five in red.

The south Surrey neighbourhood of Rosemary Heights is the richest in Metro Vancouver, with a median income more than twice the regional average.

Based on the 2006 census, the median income in Metro Vancouver is $20,754, a figure which includes those who only work part-time.

In Rosemary Heights, located near 152nd St. and 32nd Ave., the median income is $44,301, the highest in the entire region.

Not surprisingly, the poorest area in Metro is in the Downtown Eastside, where the median income in one neighbourhood is just $12,154.

Overall, the data shows the richest parts of the region are in South Surrey, West Vancouver and Vancouver's west side.

The poorest pockets, outside the Downtown Eastside, are in east Vancouver, north Surrey and central Richmond.

To see how your neighbourhood compares, you can check out an interactive version of this map, and many others, at

The data used to create the maps was provided to The Vancouver Sun by Statistics Canada (Census Tract Profiles, 2006 Census, Catalogue number 92-597-X).

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