2015-05-14 字型: 列印

《中英對照讀新聞》Men more narcissistic than women:study 研究:男人比女人自戀


Men tend to be more narcissistic than women and as a result are more likely to exploit others, a US study said after analyzing three decades of data from more than 475,000 people.


The findings were consistent across multiple age groups and generations, said the University at Buffalo School of Management, pointing out that narcissism has good and bad points.


"Narcissism is associated with various interpersonal dysfunctions, including an inability to maintain healthy long-term relationships, unethical behavior and aggression," said lead author Emily Grijalva, assistant professor of organization and human resources in the UB School of Management.


"At the same time, narcissism is shown to boost self-esteem, emotional stability and the tendency to emerge as a leader."


The researchers examined more than 355 journal articles, dissertations and technical manuals, and studied gender differences in the three aspects of narcissism: leadership/authority, grandiose/exhibitionism and entitlement.



interpersonal:形容詞,人際的。例句:The successful applicant will have excellent interpersonal skills.


grandiose:形容詞,不切實際的。例:grandiose plans(不切實際的計畫)

exhibitionism:名詞,愛表現,愛出鋒頭。例句:It’s exhibitionism to flaunt wealth so blatantly.(如此擺闊純粹是愛出鋒頭。)
