Whoa! A Bit of Accuracy from the Corporate Media!

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Even the New York Slimes got it right this time! Be still my thumping heart, but Leviathan’s house-organ actually uses the words “steal” and “Government” in the same article: “Gemalto, a French-Dutch digital security company, said on Friday that it was investigating …[whether] the National Security Agency in the United States and the Government Communications Headquarters in Britain had hacked Gemalto’s networks to steal SIM card encryption codes.”

In fact, most of the articles I’ve read about this crime flatly admit that Our Rulers are thieves. Here’s a typical lede: “The American National Security Agency (NSA), and the British Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), similar clandestine intelligence agencies, stole SIM card encryption keys from [Gemalto], allowing the groups to decrypt global cellular communications data.”

And like any larceny, this one has looted the victim of his wealth: “Gemalto is the world’s biggest maker of SIM cards, the small chips in cellphones that hold an individual’s personal security and identity information. … Shares in the company fell 7.5 percent on Friday in early afternoon trading in Amsterdam.”

It seems the NSA, not content to destroy only American companies, seeks fresh prey abroad. And has long done so: the tech world  buzzed this last week with news of the “Equation Group,” hackers from the NSA who have infected computers worldwide with undetectable, undeletable malware for 20 years. An Amerikan apologist, attempting to excuse this atrocity, harrumphed, “No one is really going to come out and say you shouldn’t deploy this stuff against ISIS … ISIS are the worst bad guys since the Nazis.”

Nope. That would be the Feds. When will the rest of the world rise against these sociopaths and their allied lapdogs?

11:32 am on February 20, 2015