The Atlanteans Built The Great Pyramid, Not The Egyptians

“A number of scientists have been working on the Earth grid model, but the first one was Ivan P. Sanderson. Sanderson found that the twelve ‘Devil’s Graveyards’ around the world were geometrically spaced from one another. The ‘Devil’s Graveyards’ are the triangular areas in the world where physical anomalies have been reported such as the mysterious disappearances of ships and airplanes for no apparent reason. The most famous of them is the Bermuda triangle; second best known is Devil’s Sea east of Japan. There have been many reports of time and space dilations that were accompanied by loss of compass, altimeters, artificial horizon, loss of radio contact and other strange phenomena that many airplane pilots experienced while flying over the Bermuda triangle. There have been reports of planes that after arrival seemed to have travelled through a different time zone since all watches on board were late by exactly the same time! Sanderson noticed that there are five ‘Devil’s Graveyards’ in the Northern Hemisphere, five in the Southern Hemisphere and two at the poles, twelve in total forming the exact vertices of the icosahedron!

The amazing truth of the matter is that mankind has known about the existence of an Earth encompassing energy grid for at least thousands of years. The Earth grid has simply been rediscovered in the 21st century. We now have irrefutable proof that the ‘primitive cultures’ of the past, the ancient cultures that had such a ‘limited understanding of physics’ knew about the subtle energies of the Earth and its grid pattern!

Tests were also conducted with radioactive waste from nuclear power plants, tests showed a reduction in the level of radioactivity after being exposed to the pyramid power inside the pyramid.

The Greek word for pyramid is pyramidos and is contains the word ‘pyr’ meaning ‘fire’ and ‘amid’ meaning ‘in the middle’. So pyramid really means ‘fire in the middle’. Russian research has shown that the pyramid’s power is indeed a ‘fire’ in the pyramid’s interior.

The pyramid’s shape seems to acts as an antenna for the spiralling torsion waves. It is assumed that a pyramid focuses torsion waves from the Earth grid into its center. The megalithic stones and structures placed on the meridians of the Earth grid are the acupuncture needles in the energy body of Gaia, just like the research with the Earthgate device has demonstrated. Supposedly the megalithic infrastructure was built by highly advanced ancient civilizations to protect us from cosmic influences and used to stabilize the aura, the aether energy fields of the Earth.

There is now circumstantial evidence to suggest that the megalithic infrastructure was used by the Atlantean civilization to stabilize the tectonic plate movements that caused Earthquakes and volcanic activity around the world. However the Atlanteans could not prevent a pole shift that eventually led to the destruction of Atlantis.

Indications are that the Great Pyramid must not be attributed to the Egyptians but to the Atlanteans.”


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2 Responses to The Atlanteans Built The Great Pyramid, Not The Egyptians

  1. Dublinmick says:

    I am sure you noticed that Hurricane Isaac is projected near the Mississippi river at present? Looks like it only will graze Florida now.

  2. Thout says:

    The Egyptians ARE the atlanteans !! this a fix for your topic

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