’1150 Canyon Road’ by Art&Graft


The third Art&Graft Studio Film 1150 Canyon Road is a simple story about a plan gone wrong. Drawing inspiration from the iconic architectural photographs of Julius Shulman and 70′s and 80′s gangster films, 1150 Canyon Road is an exercise in the subtlety of storytelling and creation of a cinematic atmosphere through minimal graphics. Following a single shot elements of the story unfold and the crafted soundscape and dialogue slowly reveals what lies behind the filmic facade of an unassuming American house.

Created & Produced by Art&Graft (London, UK)
Music & Sound Design — Brains & Hunch
Voice Over Artists — Ed Gaughan & Gemma Saunders

  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bat DudeMan McAwesome Sox

    This is great!

  • Sarah


  • http://www.patrickkrafft.com/ Pat

    loved this !
    here’s a link to the director’s other work


    • John

      Thank you, sir :)

  • Renard N. Bansale

    More one-shot shorts!