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篇 名云南禄丰早侏罗世一新的原蜥脚类恐龙
並列篇名A New Prosauropod Dinosaur from Lower Jurassic in Lufeng of Yunnan
作 者关谷透(Sekiya Toru)
刊 名世界地質
摘要云南禄丰下侏罗统下禄丰组产出一新的原晰脚类孙氏细细坡龙(Xixiposaurus suni gen. et sp. nov.)其特征为:侧视头骨背缘向前强烈倾料,下颌高度大于齿骨最小高度的两倍,颈椎体中第四颈椎体最长,耻骨裙宽度大于肠骨的耻骨突,股骨第四转子侧视具有V形切口。其系统位置比较进步,是禄丰发现的原蜥脚类中最进步的一种。

A new prosauropod dinosaur Xixiposaurus suni gen. et sp. nov. from the lower Lufeng Formation of lower Jurassic in Lufeng of Yunnan, China is reported. The diagnostic characters are as follows: steep slant of the skull roof in lateral view; the maximum height of the mandible larger than twice of minimum height of the dentary; the 4th cervical centrum being longest in cervicals; minimum width of the pubic apron wider of the pubic peduncle; the fourth trochanter having a V-shape notch in lateral view. The phylogenetic analysis shows that it is one of the most derived forms among Chinese prosauropods.

關鍵詞原蜥脚类,孙氏细细坡龙,早株罗世,下禄丰组,云南禄丰;prosauropod,Xixiposaurus suni,Early Jurassic,Lower Lufeng formation,Lufeng of Yunnan

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