

Humanium helps the children, makes their rights a reality and gets involved with their family for a global, sustainable & fair development.

Joined May 2012

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  1. Retweeted

    Nous soutenons la Marche pour le Droit des Enfants au Rwanda :

    Translated from French by

  2. The Guatemalan Project is now a Reality

  3. Love: the universal remedy in confronting our differences?

  4. The moving struggle of a family dealing with disability... Read our lastest article

  5. Fighting against the trauma of the #refugee# #children# by the #art#

  6. In , a new school opens its doors to welcome a hundred pupils

  7. It's the time for global action, let's give a change to those who don't have it

  8. Take a look to our latest articles in our blog: The children's right to vote and the Istanbul Convention.

  9. What if we let children vote?

  10. Children and the right to vote?

  11. The crisis in is hitting hard, forcing them to leave their homes and become . Learn more:

  12. 28 out of 29 world’s advanced economies in child well-being, the U.S. is the only one that has not ratified the CRC.

  13. Childhood obesity is a serious problem but it can be tackled if we work together with families to create awareness.

  14. To survive and develop their potential,children need to have access to food, health services and educationLet’s work together for this!

  15. You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know...

  16. More than 6.6 million children have died last year, for causes that could have been avoided,only because they didn’t have access to a doctor

  17. Let us continue to together against ! More information on:

  18. : a blatant of the right for the of

  19. Your child is a precious gift,full of love and promises.Be grateful for him,he needs you.Never let go of him» Corinne mom of an autistic boy

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