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Third Millennium Study Bible
Notes on John 21:25

Miracles: Do miracles happen today?

In Reformed theology belief in miracles is based on the conviction that God sovereignly and freely controls his world. He does precisely as he pleases with his creation (Psa. 115:3; 135:6). Modern scientific skepticism about miracles derives from a denial of this cardinal Christian belief, and results in a denial of many other tenets that lie at the heart of the Christian faith, such as Jesus' incarnation through the virgin birth and his resurrection from the dead.

Even so, well meaning Christians have disagreed on whether or not miracles continue to take place today. To one degree or another, three outlooks have tended to appear. First, some Christian traditions that have affirmed that God intended for the same kinds of (if not greater) miracles that happened in biblical history to take place in every generation of the church. Second, others have stressed that some kinds of miracles should be expected but not others. Third, some believers have argued that all miracles belonged only to biblical times and do not continue today. With rare exception, Reformed theologians have fallen into the second and third camps.

In many respects, much of the controversy in Reformed circles on this matter has risen from the complexities of terminology. The term "miracle" itself derives from the Latin miraculum, which refers to something that evokes amazement or wonder. The Scriptures, however, use many different terms and phrases ("sign," "wonder," "great work," "mighty deed," "power," etc.) to describe what most people today mean when by the broad term "miracle." As a result, we should not expect to find precise terminology in the Scriptures describing the continuation or cessation of everything that we might consider a "miracle."

Some branches of the church define miracles as events that violate or supersede natural law. When considering the question of miracles today, it is important to remember that Reformed theology teaches that the universe is constantly upheld not by natural laws, but by the providence of God. So, Reformed theologians have tended to distinguish between God's ordinary and extraordinary providence. Normally, God works through creaturely or second causes to accomplish his ends. For example, he normally uses rain to water the ground so that plants will grow. Yet, he is also free to work without, above and against second causes as he pleases (WCF 5:2-3).

In general terms, both the Scriptures and Christian theologians tend to apply words expressing the miraculous to examples of extraordinary providence more than to ordinary providence. Even so, at times the timing and placement of very ordinary events are also described as miraculous. In this general sense, therefore, it is proper to say that the miraculous continues even in our day.

It is important to realize, however, that a crucial distinction is often made in Reformed theology between spectacular events in general and miracles that serve as "signs." Sign miracles are awesome events that occur to verify the claim of God's inspired spokesmen. These sign miracles are very similar to miracles in general; they are not of a unique sort. Yet, they are closely associated with the actions of a person claiming to speak for God (see Exod. 4:1 9; 1 Kings 17:24; John 10:38; 14:11; Rom. 15:18-19; 2 Cor. 12:12; Heb. 2:3-4). This (often repeated) close association draws attention to the special role the miracle worker plays in the history of salvation. Such signs do not convince everyone noticing, but they are compelling evidences for those who look with eyes of faith (John 4:46-53; 14:11-12). Even so, because we live after the time of the last of such inspired spokesmen (1 Cor. 15:8-9; Eph. 2:20), we should not expect to see their sign miracles today.

In light of the evidence of Scripture and the experience of the church through the centuries, we should be careful not to go to extremes on these matters. On the one hand, the extraordinary does not take place today to authorize instruments of special revelation. The cessation of special revelation implies an end to miracles designed as signs. On the other hand, even today God's people offer prayers and the Holy Spirit displays his power among his people (2 Thess. 1:11; Jas. 5:16). For this reason, we should expect to see God move on behalf of his people with many extraordinary blessings, even blessings that we may rightly call miraculous.

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