CPSC422/522 - Fall 2014

Operating System Design and Implementation / Engineering.

Class Information:

 MW 1:00-2:15PM, Room AKW000

David Wolinsky, AKW403, david.wolinsky@yale.edu
 Office hours: M 2:30-4:00PM, T 1:00-2:30PM, or by appointment.

Teaching Assistant:
Daniel Jackowitz, AKW402, daniel.jackowitz@yale.edu
 Office hours: R 2:00-3:30PM or by appointment.

All questions should be asked via Piazza unless they are of a private or personal nature.


10 Sept
Lab 3a assigned. Beginning next week, office hours on Wednesday will be replaced by hours on Tuesday.
4 Sept
Lab 0 and 1 have an effective due date of 9/10 due to the shopping period
3 Sept
Lab 2 assigned, Lab 0 due tonight, Lab 1 due tomorrow night
27 Aug
First lecture, Lab 0 and Lab 1 assigned