My Blogs

I post to several blogs, all only my writing, and I even have difficulty keeping up with them myself, so I decided to make a list for my readers as well as myself. Here is the list along with a description of the subjects they cover and links to them. Whenever I post to any of them, I always tweet about it on twitter. You can follow me at

The Eternal Return
This is a static blog containing the first two chapters of the digital book The Eternal Return: Oedipus, The Tempest, Forbidden Planet.  It’s most important contention is that Shakespeare used Sophocles’ Oedipus at Colonus as his source for writing The Tempest. It is Volume II in the Tales of the Mythic World Series.

This blog provides an assortment of subjects all on writing novels. It even has a review or two. All updates to my book Novelsmithing, The Structural Foundation of Plot, Character, and Narration appear here.

Novelsmithing Blog
This static blog contains the entirety of Novelsmithing, The Structural Foundation of Plot, Character, and Narration.

This blog contains all my thoughts on screenwriting, including cinema and television. Occasionally, I post a review.

Story Alchemy: The Search for the Philosopher’s Stone of Storytelling
I’m writing a new book on novel writing based on the theories of analytical psychologist C. G. Jung. It primarily deals with the use of Jung’s techniques of Active Imagination and Dream Interpretation. The blog contains my thoughts on the subject as the book develops. The raw material for the book comes from my experiment with Active Imagination and Dream Analysis documented in my other blog The Iris of Time.

The Iris of Time
This blog documents my personal excursion into Jung’s Active Imagination. It also contains a description of what I believe are my more important dreams. I’m doing this in conjunction with the writing of a new book titled Jungian Novelsmithing.

Oedipus Blog
This blog will eventually contain the entire text of my book Oedipus on a Pale Horse, Journey through Greece in Search of a Personal Mythology. It documents my ten-week journey through Greece alone in the fall of 1993 and contains many of the 1400 pictures I took while there.

Pale Horse Blog
This is a static blog to which I posted during my three-week trip to Greece with my son in October 2009.

The Mysteries
This blog concerns my fictional trilogy The Mysteries, A Novel of Ancient Eleusis. The first two volumes, Daughter of Darkness and The Dadouchos have been published, and the third volume, The Twice-Born, is currently being developed on this blog. I’m using some techniques from Jung’s Active Imagination, which I document on The Iris of Time. Come join me to see how I do it.

Tales of the Mythic World
I’m currently working on a new non-fiction book about forbidden knowledge. It’s tentative titled Tales of the Mythic World. I have two subtitles: Frankenstein, The Tempest, and the Garden of Eden, and Fables of Forbidden Knowledge. I have posted a couple of chapters at the above link. I have decided to break the work into several eBooks and publish them on Amazon and Smashwords. The first installment is already published. It’s titled Introduction to Frankenstein, Origins and Aftermath. I am currently working on publishing the second part of Tales of the Mythic World as an eBook titled The Eternal Return, Oedipus, The Tempest, and Forbidden Planet. I hope to have it available sometime in the forth quarter of 2011. Also, I plan to publish Introduction to Frankenstein as an introduction to a new illustrated edition of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, which will be published in paperback in the spring of 2012 by Tragedy’s Workshop.

Obsession Astronomy
All right, this isn’t actually a blog, but it is my website. I own a rather large telescope. It is a Newtonian reflector with a 20 inch mirror, all on a Dobsonian mount and computer controlled. The manufacturer is Obsession Telescopes, which is owned by Dave Kriege, who is actually a dentist. Go figure. I also have a rather expensive set of Tele Vue eyepieces. Occasionally, I take all this out for public viewing. Views of the moon, planets, star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies are quite amazing.

Idiot Politics
I’m a registered Independent. However, I must admit I do have liberal leanings with tendencies toward conservatism on some issues. I justify this by saying that democracy is a liberal institution, so that we are all inherently liberals. I don’t like name calling, so that means I can’t be a Republican. Only occasionally, not even once in a Blue Moon, do I publish to this blog. But when I do, I like to believe that it is worth reading. However, if you don’t agree with my opinions, you can rest easy. This blog only gets two or three hits per day.

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