Flammable Penguins

Claire Blackshaw's Forest of Fun

Photo of Claire Blackshaw Claire Blackshaw

I’m a queer geeky Creative Programmer with a passion for learning and general insanity. I work as a Senior Online Consultant at Sony in London United Kingdom . When I’m not programming, playing games, roleplaying, learning, or reading.


Been doing a lot of Pebble and Android work.

Working on Pebble post and enjoying Develop.

Social Bits and Bobs


LinkedIn: Kimau

Twitter: @EvilKimau

Github: Kimau

Tumblr: Forest of Fun

Google+: +ClaireBlackshaw

Steam: Kimau

Book list: Good Reads

Raptr: Kimau

Games Career



Some of the most interesting programming work I've done has been at work or part of research for work, which sadly due to the secretive nature of the games industry I cannot talk about it in detail. Though I thought it would be interesting to list some of the topics I've explored in and out of work over the last few years. Hopefully as a kick in the pants to talk or write about the subject matter more.
Multi Agent Systems, Navigation, Social NPCs, Computer Vision, Motion Controllers, VR, Twitch Intergration, Second Screen, Large Scale Async Game Servers, Analytics, Big Data Analysis, MMO Botting, Wearables.

Hobby Code Projects