Nintendo “sharing” YouTube Ad Revenue.

Nintendo recently started implementing so that half the ad revenue generated from YouTube videos featuring their titles, would go to them. Link

First off all, they have every right to do this and any other developer / publisher have as well. There’d be no “let’s play” without the game to play. And we (YouTubers) are humble to this fact. 

But what they are missing out on completely is the free exposure and publicity that they get from YouTube / YouTubers. What better way to sell / market a game, than from watching someone else (that you like) playing it and enjoying themselves?

This is why a tiny one man indie game like Minecraft could grow into a 2.5 billion dollar deal. That’s 2.5 billion… Made possible, largely because of the exposure it got from YouTube!

If I played a Nintendo game on my channel. Most likely most of the views / ad revenue would come from the fact that my viewers are subscribed to me. Not necessarily because they want to watch a Nintendo game in particular. 

Yes, there are exceptions of YouTube channels that uploads day 1 release of a game, 50 parts just to milk views off YouTube. That’s more of a problem for YouTube than Nintendo.

I also think this is a slap in the face to the YouTube channels that does focus on Nintendo game exclusively. The people who have helped and showed passion for Nintendo’s community are the ones left in the dirt the most.

And finally, when there’s just so many games out there to play. Nintendo games just went to the bottom of that list. Even if more publishers starts implementing this idea of sharing revenue. Then fine, there’s always going to be plenty of games out there, ready to become the next “Mienkraft” - Sounds cheesy, but it’s true.

So, you should reconsider this decision Nintendo.  (◕‿◕✿)

Added note: I’ll still play Nintendo games that I want to play on my channel as usual. I’m lucky to be in a situation where losing ad revenue on a few videos wont matter. However, many people on YouTube are not in that situation. 

Everyone loses in this scenario that Nintendo has created, that’s why I’m against it.

Some articles to maybe further my case:

How PewDiePie fired Skate 3 back into the charts 

Gmod sales increase, greatly thanks to YouTuber influence

An article that show how YouTuber influence directly affected sales.

Totalbiscuit explains more in depth why this is a bad idea: Here