4,585 workers died on the job in 2013

5/12/2015 CA: Enzo Doganier killed in fall from platform.

5/14/2015 TX: Elias Contreras killed in fall from basket of truck-mounted aerial lift.

5/18/2015 WV: Jacob McClain struck and killed by tree during felling operations.

5/30/2015 TX: Raymundo Martines electrocuted during power line removal.

6/1/2015 CA: Soledad Villanueva killed in fall from tractor.

6/4/2015 LA: Demarcus Hall electrocuted after contacting utility line.

6/9/2015 MO: Delfino Ramirez killed in fall from roof.

6/11/2015 KY: Jonathan Moore killed in trench collapse.

6/18/2015 VA: Michael Buracker died from heat stress after trimming trees.

6/19/2015 TX: Paris Mendosa crushed by vehicle when jack stands failed.

6/19/2015 IA: Javier Hernandez-Reyna and Alfredo Juarez-Barroso killed in fall from scaffolding.

6/24/2015 AL: Alan Brown struck and killed by forklift.

"No one should have to sacrifice their life for their livelihood, because a nation built on the dignity of work must provide safe working conditions for its people."
Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez



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