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Dr. Michael E. Salla, is a pioneer in the development of 'Exopolitics', the scholarly study of the main actors, institutions and political processes associated with extraterrestrial life. His groundbreaking Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence (Dandelion Books, 2004) presents the first scholarly framework for understanding the political implications of the extraterrestrial presence. His interest in exopolitics evolved out of his investigation of the sources of international conflict and its relationship with the undisclosed extraterrestrial presence. He cites evidence of as many as seventeen different extraterrestrial civilizations currently interacting with humanity in a variety of ways, with a number of other civilizations simply monitoring the Earth.

Diplomatic training for extraterrestrial contact is more than Science Fiction
by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D

Posted: 11:40 January 12, 2008

Captain Kirk completed Starfleet Academy before having the credentials to command the USS Enterprise. Part of his fictional Academy training involved Kirk learning all the diplomatic skills necessary for contact and communication with extraterrestrial life. Rather than popular science fiction, there is reason to believe that a secret military equivalent to Starfleet Academy exists.

British Hacker Gary MacKinnon claims that he found on Pentagon computers evidence of “fleet to fleet” transfers and a list of “non-terrestrial officers”. MacKinnon recently lost a long extradiction battle and will soon face trial in the U.S. for hacking into the Pentagon’s secure computer network. [link to: ]

Clifford Stone served for 22 years in the U.S. Army and claims he secretly completed covert missions involving the retrieval of crashed UFOs. These missions were always temporary assignments (TDY) that were conducted without the knowledge of his military superiors. In a 2005 interview I had with him, Stone claims that he was offered a position in what he described as “The School” (link to: ). The School formed a training facility for those who wished to have a full time careers in covert operations and/or diplomatic missions involving extraterrestrial life.

It may be some time before there is a civilian equivalent to Star Trek’s Starfleet Academy or the Pentagon’s secret equivalent(s). In the meantime, there is the option of completing courses in extraterrestrial life offered by the Hawaii based Exopolitics Institute. The Exopolitics Institute is a 501(c)3 organization that began offering online courses and seminars on extraterrestrial life since 2007. These are offered as part of an Exopolitics Certification program where participants can earn certificates or a diploma in Exopolitics and/or Galactic Diplomacy.

Three courses and two training seminars are offered for the Spring 2009 Schedule of the Exopolitics Certification program. The courses provide an overview of the main exopolitical theories and evidence concerning extraterrestrial life. The seminars are offered in Bolivia and are seven day retreats where individuals stay in the region of Lake Titicaca. While faculty ( link to: ) in the Certification Program don’t have the space flight experience as the mythical instructors at Starfleet Academy or its secret military equivalent(s), they have impressive credentials.

Paola Harris worked with legendary UFO researcher J.Allen Hynek on the best available UFO evidence. Since the late 1970’s she has accumulated a vast amount of insights interviewing whistleblowers and contactees. She will teach “Developing the Road to Disclosure - Quantum Cosmology.”

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UFODigest Newsletter July 12, 2007

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