Cal Evans


Member of the PHP Community. I run , , . I help developers.

Joined April 2007

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  1. PHP7 Null Coalesce Operator in action: $myArray = ['firstName'=>'Cal','lastName'=>'Evans']; echo $myArray[$unknown??'firstName’]; // Cal

  2. :facepalm:

  3. retweeted

    I managed to fit , , , Kim Kardashian, and MVP into how to build an app:

  4. retweeted

    The secret to efficient stand-ups: Make everyone drink a cup of coffee half an hour beforehand and lock the bathroom.

  5. retweeted

    When it makes it in core, are themes that only hit API endpoints created by the WordPress REST API going to be considered derivative works?

  6. Current Status:

  7. Fire up those testbeds boys and girls, We’ve GOT RC1! :)

  8. retweeted

    Some people will find the wrong end of every stick.

  9. retweeted

    Congrats to the release managers to keep 7 on track despite the tough timeline and pressures (tech)

  10. retweeted

    New trailer for The Martian features All Along the Watchtower and brb I have to go rewatch ALL of BSG Season 3 now

  11. retweeted

    PHP 7.0.0RC1 tagged:

  12. GOOD MORNING! If the best you can do is tear down someone else’s work today, I really feel sorry for you.

  13. retweeted

    Software development (n.): The process of learning more and more subtle ways to get things wrong.

  14. retweeted

    My latest book, Git for Teams, has gone to the printer. Book-book will be available in Sept. Digital is ready now:

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  16. retweeted

    What web folks call MVC isn't. Real MVC connects View and Model:

  17. retweeted

    Feel like contributing to a project? Grab a ticket and start coding! :)

  18. retweeted

    Dear ; Did Apple fix that iOS bug where you could crash an iPhone with a malformed text message? Know what version?

  19. retweeted

    I'm super excited to announce I'll be giving my Behat talk for in October! Please check it out ;)

  20. Me to the CEO. “First, let me apologize for , he was like that when I met him."

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