Yellow Line Extension

Yellow Line Extension

Connecting Dempster Station to Old Orchard Road

The Yellow Line Extension Project would extend the transit line from Dempster Station to Old Orchard Road in Skokie.  An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will be prepared to evaluate environmental, social, and economic impacts of the construction and operation of the proposed project.

Public and agency input is important.  This site will keep you informed about the proposed project, the planning process, and opportunities for public input and participation. To receive notification of activity on this project, please contact the CTA via e-mail, mail or fax at:

Chicago Transit Authority
Strategic Planning & Policy, 10th Floor
Attn: Sonali Tandon
567 W. Lake Street
Chicago, IL 60680-1465

Fax: (312) 681-4297

The official public comment period for EIS scoping concluded on October 27, 2009.

CTA thanks everyone who provided comments during the scoping phase. The input received is summarized in the Scoping Report, available under Project Documents. Input received during scoping will be used to refine the project purpose and need and alternatives, and to direct the analysis of environmental impacts. Input received during scoping will also be used to help planners avoid potential impacts, and to identify potential mitigation measures.


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