Gerhard Schmitt
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Gerhard Schmitt is the professor of information architecture at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich and the founding director of the Singapore-ETH Centre in Singapore.

In 2003, Prof. Schmitt initiated the concept for Science City, ETH's new campus in Zurich, a revolutionary interchange between ETH Zurich and the public. In 2007, he initiated the transition of ETH Science City towards a zero carbon emission campus. Prof. Schmitt's efforts in developing and transforming ETH Science City earned him the European Culture of Science Award in 2010.

He is an instructor in the Future Cities course at edX.

Entries by Gerhard Schmitt

Como criar cidades do futuro pulsantes e sustentáveis

(0) Comments | Posted May 14, 2015 | 5:33 PM

SHENZEN - As cidades de hoje não são sustentáveis, não importa como olhemos para elas.

Para entender esses sistemas complexos e em constante evolução criados pelo homem, e para torná-los mais sustentáveis, precisamos de conhecimento e de vontade de mudar. Em vez de contribuir com a longa lista de desafios...

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How To Create Sustainable, Pulsating Cities of the Future

(12) Comments | Posted May 11, 2015 | 3:06 PM

SHENZHEN -- Today's cities are not sustainable, no matter how we look at them.

To understand these complex, human-made, constantly evolving systems and to make them more sustainable, we need knowledge and the will to change. Rather than adding to the long list of challenges facing the development of...

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