Brand Agility Index

  • Diagramm
  • Tabelle

Erkältungsmittel schaffen zwar den Transfer ins Social Net, treten jedoch zu wenig in den Dialog mit dem User. Das zeigt der von Waggener Edstrom entwickelte Brand Agility Index, mit dem die Agilität von Marken in deren social und digital Kommunikation gemessen wird. Wählen Sie mit Ihrer Maus eine Marke, bewegen Sie sie über die Grafik und lernen Sie, welches Potential in den fünf meistverkauften Kombinationsprodukten gegen Erkältungskrankheiten noch schlummert. Den PDF-Report zum Brand Agility Index „Erkältungspräparate“ können Sie hier anfordern.

Aspirin Complex Esberitox Wick MediNait Doregrippin Grippostad C
  • 4,4
  • 3,8
  • 4,0
  • 3,4
  • 4,6
  • 2,3
  • 2,0
  • 1,7
  • 1,7
  • 3,7
  • 2,0
  • 2,0
  • 1,0
  • 2,0
  • 3,0
    Business impact
  • 2,7
  • 1,3
  • 1,7
  • 2,0
  • 2,7
    Right to play
  • 4,0
  • 4,0
  • 3,3
  • 4,5
  • 4,0
  • 3,7
  • 3,3
  • 3,3
  • 3,5
  • 3,3
  • 2,3
  • 1,7
  • 1,7
  • 0,7
  • 3,0
  • 2,0
  • 1,0
  • 1,3
  • 0,0
  • 2,7
  • 2,0
  • 0,5
  • 1,0
  • 0,0
  • 1,5
    Sentiment reaction
  • 3,0
  • 2,5
  • 2,7
  • 3,0
  • 3,0
  • 2,8
  • 2,2
  • 2,2
  • 2,1
  • 3,1

    Es mangelt an Differenzierung

    Die fünf der meistverkauften Kombinationsprodukte gegen Erkältungskrankheiten schöpfen ihr kommunikatives Potential im digitalen Raum nur unzureichend aus. Der Brand Agility Index zeigt für die Marken Aspirin Complex, Esberitox Tabletten, Wick MediNait, Doregrippin Tabletten und Grippostad C, dass die Marken es sehr wohl schaffen, relevantes Engagement unter Usern im Netz zu erzeugen. Das Potential einer Interaktion mit den Anwendern und damit eine Möglichkeit zur Differenzierung gegenüber den Mitbewerbern über paid, earned und owned media findet allerdings kaum statt.

    Es mangelt an Differenzierung

    Das Netz hat Schnupfen, doch die Marken schweigen

    Die Grippewelle macht auch vor dem Social Web nicht Halt. „Husten, Ohren zu und leichtes Fieber, nerv“ – so spricht das Netz. Schnell folgt ein Tweet „Mensch, nimm doch …“ unter Nennung der persönlich präferierten Markenmedizin. Doch wie positionieren sich die Kombinationsprodukte Aspirin Complex, Esberitox Tabletten, Wick MediNait Erkältungssirup für die Nacht, Doregrippin Tabletten und Grippostad C über ihre digitalen Kanäle wie Social Networks, Website, E-Commerce, SEO und Digital Marketing?

    Das Netz hat schnupfen, doch die Marken schweigen

    Die Marken im Web

    Der Brand Agility Index misst über elf Indikatoren die Agilität von Marken im digitalen Raum:

    Differenzierung, Relevanz, Originalität, Themenwahl, Engagement, Business Impact, Übertragbarkeit, Sichtbarkeit, Personalisierung, Emotionalität und Geschwindigkeit sind die den Brand Agility Index charakterisierenden Parameter.

    Die Marken-Indikatoren des Waggener Edstrom Brand Agility Reports
    • More info


      Hier wird Content, der speziell für mobile Geräte entwickelt wurde, analysiert. In diese Kategorie fallen Apps.

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      Digital Marketing

      Hier wird analysiert, welche Kanäle für das digitale Marketing genutzt werden. In diese Kategorie fallen Blogs, Youtube-Kanäle, Online-Werbung und die Platzierung von Paid Content.

    • More info


      Hier werden die Aktivitäten in den Social Media mit Fokus auf Facebook und Twitter analysiert.

    • More info


      Hier werden Inhalte und Interaktionsmöglichkeiten der Marken-Homepages analysiert.

    • More info


      Hier wird die Präsenz der Marken auf Online-Handelsplattformen/-Shops bewertet.

    • More info


      Hier wird analysiert, ob für die Marke eine erfolgreiche Suchmaschinenoptimierung durchgeführt wurde.


    Gewinner und Verlierer

    Grippostad C schafft es, sich über seine Kanäle bei paid, earned und owned media von den Mitbewerbern am ehesten zu differenzieren und erreicht im Mittel über alle BAI-Parameter die höchste Punktzahl. Die Folgeplätze belegen Aspirin Complex, Esberitox, Wick MediNait und Doregrippin.

    Gewinner und Verlierer
    Gewinner und Verlierer Gewinner und Verlierer Gewinner und Verlierer Gewinner und Verlierer

    Die Marken im Detail

    Aspirin Complex und Grippostad C erreichen es mit ihren Marken, die für die Zielgruppe „Erkältungsopfer“ relevantesten Inhalte unter ihren Usern im Netz zu generieren. Die klare Fokussierung der messbaren Aktivität auf das Thema „Erkältung“ bringt auch für Esberitox hohe Werte bei der Themenpassung. Wick MediNait muss Punktabzug hinnehmen, weil die Marke im Social Web auch zum Austausch von erkältungsfernen Tweets animiert. Doregrippin schafft es zwar mit seiner Website bei Originalität und Business Impact zu punkten, verliert aber im Mittel, weil die Marke im Social Web quasi nicht besprochen wird. Grippostad C und Aspirin Complex schaffen den Transfer vor Esberitox und Wick MediNait schon eher.

    Aspirin Complex

    Aspirin Complex und Grippostad C erreichen es mit ihren Marken, die für die Zielgruppe „Erkältungsopfer“ relevantesten Inhalte unter ihren Usern im Netz zu generieren. Aspirin Complex fällt aber bei Originalität, Personalisierung und Engagement ab.

    • Aspirin

    • Esberitox

    • Wick

    • Doregrippin

    • Grippostad C



    Übertragbar auf weitere Kanäle wären grundsätzlich die Kampagnenideen aller Marken. Auch sind die Themen der Kampagnen so gewählt, dass sie zeitlich weiter gespielt werden können. Gute Werte im Bereich Relevanz, Differenzierung und Originalität resultieren in einer hohen Sichtbarkeit für Grippostad C. Esberitox pflegt als einzige der untersuchten Marken eine Facebook-Seite, liegt bei Engagement, Personalisierung und Emotionalität dennoch hinter allen anderen, da die Social Media Aktivitäten weniger Interaktion mit der Zielgruppe generieren. Weil keiner der Anbieter aktiv auf das Geschehen im Social Web reagiert bzw. seine Präsenz messbar anpasst, wurde der Parameter Geschwindigkeit nicht bewertet. Schon die Verbesserung eines Indikators um einen Punkt hat positive Auswirkungen auf den Brand Agility Index der Marke.


    Die fünf der meistverkauften Kombinationsprodukte gegen Erkältungskrankheiten verstehen es unterschiedlich gut, sich agil im digitalen Raum zu bewegen. Die Net-Community bietet Potential zur Interaktion, doch diese lassen die Unternehmen scheinbar ungenutzt. Somit wird die Chance vergeben, sich als „primus inter pares“ vom Wettbewerb nachhaltig zu differenzieren.

    Die digitale Kommunikation ermöglicht es auch OTC-Produkten, sich strategisch und taktisch zu positionieren. Die Unternehmen scheinen weniger in den Bereichen Content-Generierung Probleme zu haben. Die Herausforderung scheint vielmehr, wie die Inhalte beim Konsumenten ankommen und wie eine Interaktion zustande kommt. Hier haben alle fünf der meistverkauften Kombinationsprodukte gegen Erkältungskrankheiten Potential.


    Definition Brand Agility Index

    Der Brand Agility Index (BAI) wurde von Waggener Edstrom entwickelt, um die Agilität von Marken in deren social und digital Kommunikation über paid, earned und owned media zu messen. Er berücksichtigt elf verschiedene Parameter der Agilität und macht es so möglich, Empfehlungen über das Wie, das Was und das Wo im digitalen Raum auszusprechen. Der BAI zu fünf der meistverkauften Kombinationsprodukte gegen Erkältungskrankheiten umfasst den Zeitraum 1. September 2014 bis 3. Februar 2015.

    Legende der Indikatoren

    Der Brand Agility Index misst über elf Indikatoren die Agilität von Marken im digitalen Raum: Relevanz, Differenzierung, Originalität, Business Impact, Themenwahl, Übertragbarkeit, Sichtbarkeit, Engagement, Personalisierung, Emotionalität und Geschwindigkeit sind die den BAI charakterisierenden Parameter.

    Über Waggener Edstrom Worldwide

    Waggener Edstrom Worldwide (WE) ist eine der größten internationalen inhabergeführten Kommunikationsagenturen und bietet weltweit seit über 30 Jahren strategische Kommunikation für Unternehmen mit hohem Innovationspotential an, mit dem Ziel Märkte nachhaltig zu beeinflussen und Menschen zu inspirieren. Die Berater von WE EMEA betreuen Kunden aus den Bereichen der Technologie, Healthcare, Luftfahrt, Energie & Erneuerbare Energien. Waggener Edstrom EMEA wurde 2012 vom Holmes Report zur EMEA Technology Consultancy of the Year gewählt. Die Agentur beschäftigt weltweit mehr als 800 Mitarbeiter in 19 Büros, darunter London, Johannesburg und München in der EMEA Region. Mit seinen Global Alliance Partnern ist WE weltweit auf weiteren 80 internationalen Märkten tätig. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter

    Über Moby Digg

    Moby Digg arbeitet als Grafik Design Studio an der Schnittstelle von Kuration, Kultur und Wirtschaft. Gegründet wurde Moby Digg von Maximilian Heitsch & Korbinian Lenzer in Buenos Aires. Seit 2011 realisiert das Studio aus seinem deutschen Bureau heraus vielfältige konzeptionelle und visuelle Projekte. Die Aufgabenstellungen umfassten unter anderem Events, visuelle Kommunikation, Digital und Mobile Experiences, wobei zielführendes Design und die interaktive Erlebbarkeit im Vordergrund stehen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter


    • Waggener Edstrom Worldwide

    • Sandstrasse 33

    • D-80335 Munich, Germany

    • Tel: +49 89 6281 75 02

    • Fax: +49 89 6281 75 11



    Effective Date: September 1, 2014
    Waggener Edstrom Worldwide, Inc. (“Waggener Edstrom,” “we” or “us”) owns and operates this Internet site (the “Site”), which is located on servers in the United States. This Privacy Policy explains our practices regarding the use and Disclosure of the Personal Information that we may collect from or about individuals who use our Site, who obtain products or services (collectively, the “Services”) from us, or who otherwise transact business with us, regardless of whether that Personal Information is collected on or through the Site or by other means. Please note, however, that additional or different terms may apply in connection with a particular Service or with respect to other services or relationships.  We will inform you of any such additional or different terms either: (i) before we collect Personal Information that will be subject to those terms; or (ii) before we use or disclose previously collected Personal Information in accordance with those terms.  We also separately may solicit your consent to particular uses and/or Disclosures of your Personal Information. To the extent that there is any conflict between this Policy and any such separate consent or such other terms, your consent and/or the other terms (as applicable) will apply. We may collect more or different Personal Information about you in connection with some Services than others.  We also may provide your Personal Information to third parties in order to provide the Services that you request, to carry out the purposes for which you provide your Personal Information to us, or otherwise in accordance with this Policy and/or your express consent. Waggener Edstrom Worldwide, Inc. 3 Centerpointe Drive, Suite 500, Lake Oswego, OR 97035 is the responsible body for the purposes of data protection legislation.

    Your Consent

    By providing us with your Personal Information (including by providing any consent for us to obtain your Personal Information from a third party) and/or by using this Site or our Services, you agree that we may use and disclose your Personal Information in accordance with this Policy.  If you do not consent to these terms, you should not use this Site or our Services or otherwise provide us with any Personal Information. See below for information about other consents.


    In addition to the other terms that are defined in this Policy, the following terms have these meanings: “Disclosing” (and variations such as “Disclosure” or “Disclose”) means any and all of the following: collecting, receiving, accessing (or barring access), verifying or investigating, storing, processing, combining, fulfilling, revealing, displaying, sharing, making available, transferring, destroying, enforcing, selling or leasing or licensing, and otherwise voluntarily or involuntarily using or dealing with Personal Information. “Personal Information” means information that we are required by law to protect and that:  (a) personally identifies you; or (b) may not personally identify you, but reasonably might be used to identify you or your computing device (provided that applicable law requires us to consider such information to be personally identifiable).  Personal Information does not include information that does not identify you and cannot reasonably be used to identify you or your computing device on an individual basis, such as “de-identified,” anonymized, or aggregated data. “Sensitive Personal Information” means Personal Information that reveals your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, health, sex life, or trade-union memberships.

    Safe Harbor

    We will process personal data that is transferred to us from the European Economic Area (EEA) in accordance with the safe harbor principles agreed between the United States Department of Commerce and the European Commission (Safe Harbor Principles). These principles enable US companies to satisfy the EU requirement set out in the EU Data Protection Directive that personal data transferred from the EEA to the United States be adequately protected. Waggener Edstrom has taken measures to comply with the US-EU Safe Harbor Framework and US-Swiss Safe Harbor Framework as set forth by the US Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information from European Union member countries and Switzerland (collectively, the “Safe Harbors”).  Waggener Edstrom adheres to the Safe Harbor Privacy Principles of notice, choice, onward transfer, security, data integrity, access, and enforcement. Among other things, this means that if your Personal Information is subject to the Safe Harbors, we will give you the opportunity to opt-out of any use of your Personal Information or any Disclosure of your Personal Information to a third party for a purpose that is incompatible with the purpose(s) for which it was originally collected or which you subsequently have authorized.  To the extent that we provide your Personal Information to a third party that is acting as our agent, we will require the third party to subscribe to the Safe Harbor Privacy Principles or verify that it is subject to legal or contractual requirements to provide at least an equivalent level of privacy protection.  We also will take commercially reasonable steps to ensure that your Personal Information is reliable for its intended use, accurate, complete, and current. To learn more about the Safe Harbors, and to view our certification page, please visit

    Personal Information We May Collect

    Below are examples of the types of Personal Information that we may collect or receive from you or others in order to provide our Services or otherwise in connection with your use of our Site.  We make commercially reasonable efforts only to collect such Personal Information as is relevant to its intended purpose(s).  Please refrain from providing us with more or different Personal Information than we request (for example, do not include Sensitive Personal Information or other private information like a government identification number in a resume – wait until we ask for such information).

    • Contact information for you (e.g., from you or your CV, resume, business cards and communications to us; or from forms you complete such as to obtain a newsletter or to be included in our database).  Typical examples include name, title, postal and email address, telephone, mobile phone and fax numbers.
    • Professional information: if you apply for employment using the Site’s online job application process, you will be required to create an online profile that you can then access using your login name and password. We will collect the following Personal Information from you to create your profile: name, home and work telephone numbers, e-mail address, mailing address, years of experience, and any other Personal Information that you provide us in a cover letter, comments or your resume or CV. We use the Personal Information you provide for your profile to help evaluate whether you are qualified for employment.
    • Background checks, verification, applications, references and interview information, etc:  if you are providing information to us in connection with a search for a job or another position, we may obtain Personal Information about you from third parties, such as background checks and verifications of your references, work history, and other professional information.  To the extent that we are required to do so, we may ask you to separately consent to such communications (e.g., by providing us with your written authorization to obtain a credit report or background check from a consumer reporting agency).
    • Sensitive Personal Information:  depending upon the Service, and subject to applicable law, we may ask you to provide us with Sensitive Personal Information.  We only will use and Disclose such Sensitive Personal Information for the purpose(s) for which you provided it to us or for such purposes as you subsequently may affirmatively authorize.
    • Publicly Available Personal Information:   We might obtain Personal Information about you from public records and/or other publicly available sources, such as newspapers, press releases, industry or trade organization directories, the Internet, lawfully accessible social media, and so on.
    • Joinder or sign-up information: you can engage in some activities through the Site without providing any Personal Information. However, in connection with other activities, Waggener Edstrom may ask you to provide certain information about yourself by filling out and submitting a form. It is optional for you to engage in these activities. If you elect to engage in these activities, however, Waggener Edstrom may ask that you provide certain Personal Information, such as your first and last name, mailing address (including ZIP code), country of residence, e-mail address, employer, job title and department, and telephone and facsimile numbers.  In addition, some Services require activation, which means that we must track certain Personal Information (e.g., whether you have accepted an applicable License Agreement) in order to verify that you have activated and remain eligible to use the Service.
    • Security Data:  We might also collect or receive Personal Information about you for security purposes to the extent that you interact with us physically.  For example, if you go to one of our offices for an in-person interview, your image might be captured on a security camera or we might ask you to provide Personal Information in order to verify your identity and/or to provide you with an access badge or identification card.
    • Fraud Control Data: We may also ask you to provide information about other persons in connection with investigations of suspected piracy or other fraud.  In this case, we will ask for the person’s or company’s name and their contact information, so that we may conduct our investigation.
    • Site Usage Data:  As discussed in more detail below under “Cookies and Other Technologies” we may obtain Personal Information about you in connection with your use of our Site by using cookies and other tracking technologies.  As a general matter, we will collect Personal Information about you through the Site if you choose to contact us through the Site or to utilize the Site’s online job application process. By doing so, we will receive your e-mail address, your name and any other Personal Information you provide in your message. If you contact us through the Site, we will use the Personal Information you provide to respond to your e-mail inquiry.
    • Public Relations Data:  We also may collect and store limited amounts of Personal Information regarding certain individuals, including media representatives (“Influentials”), in our public relations database. This information may include Personal Information such as: name, telephone number, e-mail address, employer and other non-personal publicly available information, including professional achievements and articles published.  We use this data to provide Influentials with information about Waggener Edstrom’s clients and related matters in connection with our public relations campaigns, research, and other related purposes.  Influentials whose Personal Information is stored in our database who either do not wish to be included in the database or to receive the information described above may opt-out of receiving further information by sending an email to the address provided in the email communication received from Waggener Edstrom or by using the contact information provided below to request removal from our database.

    Cookies and Other Technologies

    If you use the Site, it may collect certain Personal Information about you and/or your computer or other access device through the use of “cookies” and other tracking software or tracking mechanisms (collectively, “Technologies”).  In general, a cookie is a small text file that is saved to the hard drive of your access device (such as a computer, phone, tablet etc.) in order for us and/or our service providers or business partners to collect data about your use of the Site and/or other webpages that you have visited.  To the extent required by law, we may separately solicit your affirmative consent to the placement of cookies or other Technologies on your computer or other access device and/or for the collection of Personal Information through such Technologies. This section describes the Technologies that we use on the Site.  For information about cookies and other Technologies that may be used by third parties, see “Third Party Services” below.  The Technologies that we may use include:

    • Session Cookies:  These are cookies that allow our Site to collect information about what you do during a browsing session each time you visit the Site.  When connecting to our server, your device will be allocated a session ID, which enables our server to identify your device during the session and facilitates Site usability.  These cookies are temporary and are set to be deleted when you leave the Site.
    • Persistent Cookies: These are cookies that are stored by your browser for more than a session and are set to expire in a set number of days. Persistent cookies enable us to remember your settings and information, so you do not have to keep re-entering them whenever you visit our Site.  They also measure how you use and interact with the Site and enable us to personalize the Site.  For example, they may allow us to alter the rotation of images on the Site so that different images will be displayed on your next visit. For those purposes, we may collect your IP address, information about your browser, including whether you are accessing the Site through a mobile device, and other usage information.  We generally use session cookies instead of persistent cookies, but third parties also might use some persistent cookies, as discussed in more detail below under “Third Party Services.”

    The Technologies that we may use may differ depending upon the device that you use to access the Site and may change as Technologies and access channels develop or change. The types of Personal Information that we and/or third parties may automatically collect through cookies or other Technologies may include, but are not limited to, your IP address and information about your browser, including whether you are accessing the site through a mobile device.  We generally may use or otherwise Disclose this information in order to enable Third Party Services, to provide Services to you, and for purposes of Site functionality (e.g. to remember your login information), but we generally reserve the right to use and Disclose Personal Information obtained through Technologies for any lawful purpose. For example, we may collect certain kinds of information about your computer to facilitate, evaluate and verify your use of the Site or our Services, including the frequency with which you visit the Site, the times and dates of your visits, the pages you reviewed, types of Services used, and how many users we receive daily. This information is generally collected in aggregate form (or anonymized, de-identified or pseudonymized), without identifying any user individually, although IP addresses and session IDs may be tracked in relation to your purchase activity as part of Waggener Edstrom’s customer order review and fraud prevention efforts.  We also use the IP Address of your computer addresses to identify server problems, administer the Site, and compile aggregated statistics for marketing and research purposes. We use navigational data, including log files and click-stream data, to identify information about your web browser and operating system, and the time period in which you visit the Site or a portion of the Site. This information is used to administer the Site, improve Site content, and compile aggregated statistics for research purposes. You may be able to “opt-out”, disable or restrict some cookies or other Technologies, such as through your web or other browser settings or through third party mechanisms (e.g., some industry trade associations offer some opt-out mechanisms). However, not all cookies or other Technologies are so controlled, not all “opt-out” or similar mechanisms or Technologies work on all browsers or access devices, and even effective opt-out opportunities can become ineffective over time or as Technologies or browsers change.  You can find more information about cookies and your ability to control their use at by reviewing your browser or access device settings.  Although such information should be helpful, we do not control or guarantee its accuracy or that it will be effective with respect to all Technologies or in all circumstances.  If you choose to refuse cookies or other Technologies from our Site, some functionalities or features of the Site might not work properly, may be slower, or may be unavailable. California Disclosure.  CA Bus. & Prof. Code § 22575 requires us to disclose our how Site responds to Web browser “do not track” signals and/or other mechanisms that seek to provide consumers with the ability to control the collection of their Personal Information through online tracking Technologies for certain purposes, such as targeted or behavioral advertising. Please note that we do not knowingly use Personal Information collected on our Site through cookies or other Technologies for targeted or behavioral advertising, or knowingly allow third parties to use our Site do so.  If your browser or similar mechanism gives our Site a “do not track” signal, the Site may not honor it to the extent that the Site may use cookies or other tracking Technologies for the purposes described in this section or under “Third Party Services” (“Approved Sharing”).  If your settings and our Site are nuanced enough to allow such Approved Sharing but also readily preclude tracking for behavioral advertising by third parties, the Site will make commercially reasonable attempts to honor your settings.  However, we do not make any promises or guarantees about the effects of any “Do Not Track” choice that you may make because: (a) such nuanced treatment isn’t necessarily available or effective for any or all browsers, mechanisms or Technologies, and our commercially reasonable attempts to honor your settings might or might not be effective to preclude tracking or behavioral advertising by third parties at all or over any particular period of time; (b) third parties may not honor your settings or our policies and/or may use cookies or other Technologies for behavioral advertising despite our commercially reasonable attempts to prevent them from doing so; and (c) Technologies, browsers, and access devices may change from time to time and our commercially reasonable attempts might or might not be effective for each Technology or across all platforms.

    Uses and Disclosures of Personal Information

    We may use and Disclose Personal Information to provide Services to you, to administer the Site, and otherwise to perform obligations, exercise rights, and further the activities for which the Personal Information was provided to us. Subject to applicable law, other reasons that we may use or Disclose your Personal Information include, but are not limited to:

    • to fulfill your requests, such as to include your resume in our database(s) or to register you as a newsletter subscriber, etc.;
    • to evaluate your application for employment;
    • to create de-identified, anonymized, aggregated or similar non-personally identifiable data, which we may use for any lawful business purpose;
    • to engage in routine business uses and Disclosures that an ordinary and reasonable person should expect in the context of the Services that we provide, the reasons for which we collect Personal Information, and/or the ways that similar businesses ordinarily operate, including, for example, uses and Disclosures:
    • to meet our obligations and enforce our rights, to make Disclosures to third parties who help us (e.g., service providers, information technology providers, mailing and other business process providers, outsourcing providers and so on) and to operate and improve our business;
    • for security, anti-fraud, authentication and verification purposes;
    • to respond to questions or requests or to contact you for lawful purposes, including for surveys;
    • to vendors and their service providers who reasonably need the Personal Information to do their jobs;
    • to verify your identity, authority, professional history, or other information;
    • to respond to or participate in commercial disputes (e.g., lawsuits or investigations);
    • to persons appearing to have a lawful interest in the Personal Information (e.g., to an insurance company processing an insurance claim involving you); or
    • to comply with applicable law;
    • in connection with a merger or other business combination or separation (including, but not limited to, a voluntary or involuntary change in our business or structure, reorganization, sale of all or part of our stock or asset, spinoff, bankruptcy, or dissolution);
    • to respond to legal process or regulatory authorities (such as subpoenas; warrants; investigative demands from law enforcement, regulators or others; national or international security letters or demands; etc.);
    • to protect against fraud, claims, or other liability or harm to you, us, or others;
    • to exercise or perform a legal, ethical, contractual or other right or obligation, including enforcing agreements you have made;
    • to Third Party Services, including (without limitation) analytic data service providers (see “Third Party Services” below); and
    • for such lawful purposes as may be disclosed or evident at the time that you provide Personal Information to us (e.g., when you provide Personal Information in response to a survey, to sign up for an event, or to register for a newsletter).

    It is not possible for us to list every lawful use that we might make of Personal Information, so the Disclosures described above are general, non-exclusive, illustrations.  We reserve the right to engage in any lawful use or Disclosure of Personal Information that is consistent with this Policy.  Note, however, that we will not engage in any of the uses described above to the extent that they are prohibited by applicable law. We may obtain separate consents from you (or provide separate disclosures to you) regarding particular uses or Disclosures of Personal Information, to the extent that we are required to do so.

    Third-Party Services

    We may use third party systems and services for a variety of purposes (collectively, “Third Party Services”).  Such third parties may collect Personal Information or other information through the Site and may have their own terms of use and privacy policies which may apply to you.  For example, we may use third parties which may use various kinds of tracking cookies or other Technologies through our Site to collect Internet and Site usage data (such as data about where Site users come from, what they do, where they go, etc.)  Such third party data is typically stored on that third party’s servers and analyzed by that party to provide reports and information to us.  We do not control these third parties’ tracking technologies or how they may be used. The Site, our Products, and/or our Services might link to or have functionalities that lead to other sites or services maintained by third parties.  If you access such third-party sites or services, any information that you provide to such parties will be subject to their privacy policies and procedures and not to this Policy.  You agree, however, that if such third parties provide your Personal Information to us, this Policy will apply to what we receive. Please note that the Third Party Services that we may use may change from time to time and we may update this Policy to provide additional or updated information accordingly.


    We use what we believe to be commercially reasonable measures to protect your Personal Information from loss, misuse, or unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction. Nevertheless, please be advised that no security measure, system, or control is infallible.  We accordingly do not guarantee the security or confidentiality of Personal Information and disclaim any express or implied warranties, duties or conditions in that regard.  If any applicable law imposes on us a duty with respect to these matters that cannot be disclaimed, you acknowledge and agree that our commercially reasonable precautions shall be considered to be satisfy that duty unless (and only unless) we have engaged in willful misconduct. Please also note that you also have a role in the security of your Personal Information.  For example, you should not provide us with Personal Information that we do not request, you are responsible for controlling access to any personal computing device through which your Personal Information may be stored or accessed, and you are responsible for safeguarding any passwords or other log-in credentials to may be used to access to your Personal Information.

    Data Integrity, Access, and our Legal Notices Address

    We also maintain what we believe to be commercially reasonable measure to ensure that Personal Information is reliable for its intended use and is accurate, complete, and current.  If you want to access, change, or delete Personal Information that we may maintain about you, you may submit a request to us through our Site, or by writing to us at Waggener Edstrom Worldwide, Inc., Attn: Privacy, 3 Centerpointe Drive, Suite 500, Lake Oswego, OR 97035 (our “Legal Notices” address).  We will honor requests submitted through other means if required by law or if we determine in our sole discretion to do so.  In connection with certain Services and Personal Information, you also can do so by logging into your account and updating your Personal Information directly. We reserve the right to deny any request to access, change, or delete Personal Information, subject to applicable law.  For example, we may deny a request to access Personal Information where the burden or expense of providing access would be disproportionate to the risks to your privacy, or where such access would compromise the rights of other persons. We may respond to a request to access Personal Information by supplying a copy of or access to the relevant Personal Information within a reasonable time.  As a general matter, this means that we will respond in no less time than is needed by us or our service providers to retrieve that information from our systems or records in the ordinary course of business. We also may keep a record of changes or deletions and use or Disclose that record for lawful purposes.  If you ask us to delete Personal Information, the information may be immediately deleted.  However, if technical constraints prevent us from easily doing so, we instead may take reasonable measures to prevent internal or external access to such information until it is deleted from our systems or records (such as by being overwritten). Subject to any legal right that you may have to require us to delete your Personal Information (e.g., if you terminate your account), we may keep Personal Information for as long as necessary  for our business and legal needs and we reserve the right to retain it to the fullest extent required or permitted by law.  Note, however, that you should retain your own record, because we also may delete Personal Information in our discretion at any time, unless the deletion would be detrimental to your legitimate interests or it would violate retention periods set by law, statute or contract. We do not charge for responding to requests to access, change, or delete Personal Information.  If we have a duty to require third parties to delete or cease using Personal Information, we may satisfy that duty by sending them notice to do so without further action on our part (except as expressly required by law).

    Special Consents

    By providing us with your Personal Information and/or by using this Site or our Services, you also consent to the following:

    • Processing and Disclosing of Personal Information: This Policy explains that we and Third Party Services may use and Disclose Personal Information as described in this Policy. You expressly consent to that.
    • Data Transfers: We and/or Third Party Service providers may transfer Personal Information to and from the United States and any other country, including countries outside of the European Union. You expressly consent to such transfers (except in the case of data transfers from the European Union and/or Switzerland to the United States, which are covered under the E.U. and Swiss Safe Harbor Frameworks, respectively, and for which your express consent is not necessary).  You also acknowledge and agree that countries outside of the European Union may not have data privacy laws that provide as much protection as E.U. law.
    • Consent to Disclose Sensitive Personal Information.  If you provide Sensitive Personal Information to us, you agree that we may Disclose it to our employees, service providers, agents, and others who have a reason to access it in connection with our Services.
    • Storage on Your Computer: This Policy explains that if you access our Site, we and/or other parties may store cookies and/or other Technologies on your computing device.  You consent to that, and to access to those Technologies and the information associated with them by us and or such other parties.
    • Advertisement: You agree that we may send you information about our Services, news, surveys and events by email and that we use and Disclose Personal Information for marketing purposes.
    • Electronic Notice if There is a Security Breach: Subject to applicable law, if we or any of our service providers are required to provide you with notice of unauthorized use or Disclosure of your Personal Information, you agree that any of us may do so (whether voluntarily or when required) by posting notice on our Site or sending notice to any e-mail or other electronic contact method that we have on file for you (or that you have authorized us to use for other communications), in our sole good faith discretion.
    • Consent to Recording.  If you deal with us or anyone who assists us over the telephone or in a “live” meeting that you access by computer, mobile phone or other access device, you agree that we may record the conversation and use and Disclose the recording in accordance with this Policy.  You also agree that Personal Information referenced in one medium (e.g., in a telephone call) may be recorded or entered into another medium (e.g., a computer record).

    To the extent required by applicable law, we also may separately solicit your consent to these and/or other matters. You may withdraw or restrict any or all of the consents above by doing all of the following: (a) writing us at our “Legal Notices” address or sending us an email at and telling us which consents you withdraw and the date you plan to do so; (b) deleting all Site or other Waggener Edstrom accounts that you have created or use and that are relevant to the consent that will be withdrawn; and (c) ceasing all use of the Site or our Services which are so relevant.  If you withdraw your consent(s) in this manner, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to cease further uses and Disclosures of Personal Information covered by the withdrawal, except to the extent that applicable law permits us to continue to use or Disclose your Personal Information in that manner without your consent.  We will make those efforts within a time reasonably allowing us to process your request.  We do not charge for responding to such requests. Any such withdrawal will not apply to any use or Disclosure of Personal Information that may have occurred before the withdrawal or to uses or Disclosures with respect to which withdrawal is not allowed or permitted by applicable law, this Policy, or any other consent, contract, or agreement that we might have from or with you.  If you withdraw and subsequently renew your consent (e.g., by again using the Site or submitting a new resume to us), we may rely on such renewed consent.


    Our Site, our Products, and our Services are not intended to be used by children under the age of 13 (or minors generally) and we do not want to collect information from minors.  If a child’s parent or a guardian believes their child may have provided Personal Information to us, write us at our “Legal Notices” address and we will use commercially reasonable efforts to delete that Personal Information, subject to applicable law and this Policy.

    Changes to this Privacy Policy

    From time to time we may change our business activities and/or our policies and procedures with respect to the use and Disclosure of Personal Information.  You agree that, subject to applicable law, we may revise, supplement, or replace this Policy from time to time.  When the Policy changes, the revised Privacy Policy will be posted at the “Privacy Policy” link on the Site’s home page..  To the extent not prohibited by law, any amendment or update to this Policy will apply to Personal information that we already have collected and to any Personal Information that we may subsequently obtain. When required by applicable law, however, we may provide you with advance notice of any changes to this Policy and with an opportunity to object to such changes.  If you exercise your right to object, the changes will not become effective with respect to your information, but your ability to use our Products or Services may be terminated or impaired. We will explicitly notify you of the consequences of objection or non-objection to the extent and in the manner required by law.


    At least once a year we will investigate our compliance with this Policy through a re-assessment.  We have procedures for taking appropriate action against those who violate this Policy when they are required to follow it.  For example, we might discipline an employee who willfully violates this Policy (subject to applicable law).

    Complaints and Dispute Resolution

    We encourage you to raise any concerns regarding this Privacy Policy and our privacy practice using the contact information provided below:
    3 Centerpointe Drive, Suite 500
    Lake Oswego, OR 97035
    Please include your name, address, and/or e-mail address when you contact us. In your correspondence, please indicate with as much detail as possible the location on this Site or otherwise where you provided your Personal Information. In compliance with the US-EU and US-Swiss Safe Harbor Principles, we commit to resolve complaints about your privacy and our collection or use of your Personal Information.  European Union or Swiss citizens with inquiries or complaints regarding this privacy policy should first contact us at our “Legal Notices” address, above, or at  If you are located in the European Union or Switzerland, and cannot resolve the issue directly with Waggener Edstrom, you may contact the local data protection authority for further information.