The position paper considers ethics in relation to the fields of creativity and history. Though routinely attached to contemporary areas such as politics and healthcare, ethics have largely remained ignored in historical scholarship... more
The position paper considers ethics in relation to the fields of creativity and history. Though routinely attached to contemporary areas such as politics and healthcare, ethics have largely remained ignored in historical scholarship despite their unspoken relevance. At the same time, the subject has entered the study of creativity and that of the creative individual. How, then, should the biography of a historical creative individual be approached? The traditional approach has depended heavily on what is known as narrative coherence, which remains popular for its ability to serve audience and publishing interests. However, as a selection of scholars have argued, this same coherence routinely alienates the perspectives, works, and stories of those who reside outside the mainstream, including the likes of artists, dissident writers, and other creative or fringe individuals. The current paper suggests that ethics have always been an unconscious part of narrative writing, particularly the biography, and should be consciously moved into practices of methodology.
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The life and work of Engineer and head of water works for the city of Rochester,
Joseph Nelson Tubbs. Details about his family, career, military service during the Civil War and
public work for the city.
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Justus Liebig (1803-73), one of the most important chemists of the 19th century, realized early on that the chemical profession provided a route to economic success and social prestige. From his homosocial relationship with the poet... more
Justus Liebig (1803-73), one of the most important chemists of the 19th century, realized early on that the chemical profession provided a route to economic success and social prestige. From his homosocial relationship with the poet August von Platen to his questionable means of obtaining the PhD, this article provides key insights into Liebig's early career, early 19th century German culture, and the rise of chemistry as an important academic discipline.
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Short medallion and a bibliography of significant entomology acting Ruthenia in the prewar period.
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RISDON, Jon. Black Shirt and Smoking Beagles. The Biography of Wilfred Risdon: an Unconventional campaigner. WILFRED BOOKS, SLEIGHTS 2013, 699 pages.
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This is an assignment for a short essay (5-7 pages) on the Life of the Buddha. It has a stylesheet and grading criteria attached.
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Helmut Bieler zählt zweifelsohne zu den experimentierfreudigsten Komponisten des 20. und angehenden 21. Jahrhunderts. Zugleich ist er einer der Sensibelsten unter den Modernen und er orientiert sich nicht an vorgegebenen Reihensystemen,... more
Helmut Bieler zählt zweifelsohne zu den experimentierfreudigsten Komponisten des 20. und angehenden 21. Jahrhunderts. Zugleich ist er einer der Sensibelsten unter den Modernen und er orientiert sich nicht an vorgegebenen Reihensystemen, sondern entwickelte seine eigene Tonsprache und -ordnung. Im Kopf beginnen seine Kompositionen, die er dann auf ein Notenpapier abschreibt und die schließlich einem prüfenden Blick an der Klaviatur unterzogen werden. Stets authentisch und berührend komponieren, ist sein Ziel. Sein Œuvre umfasst im Jahr 2015 mehr als 100 Werke, darunter zwei Bühnenwerke und vier großbesetzte Werke für Chor, Solisten und Orchester. Ein Großteil der Kompositionen greift auf ein oder zwei Tasteninstrumente zurück, worin Bielers Profession als Pianist und Kammermusiker deutlich wird.Er kann auf eine umfassende Konzerttätigkeit blicken, die sich zum einen in der Gründung des Ensembles Musica Viva Bayreuth widerspiegelt, sich zum anderen in seiner steten Vermittlung des klassischen wie zeitgenössischen Repertoires zeigt. Diese Vermittlung war ihm stets wichtig und er konnte in seiner langjährigen Funktion als Professor für Musikdidaktik an der Universität Bayreuth und Leiter des Universitätschors sein Wissen an die Nachwuchsgeneration weitergeben.
Carl Schmitt (1888-1985) remains, to many, one of the most brilliant minds of the twentieth century. Yet he became a functionary of the worst possible crowd that you could ever fall in with. He would enter ‘the Reich of the nether demons’... more
Carl Schmitt (1888-1985) remains, to many, one of the most brilliant minds of the twentieth century. Yet he became a functionary of the worst possible crowd that you could ever fall in with. He would enter ‘the Reich of the nether demons’ in the words of Ernst Niekisch. Yet there were thousands of Nazi academic and bureaucratic functionaries and they do not attract the interest he still does today, particularly in the English-speaking world. Within the political sciences and international studies his influence his immense if, for obvious reasons, more muted than safer theorists like Hannah Arendt or Michel Foucault, or the recent German advocates of cosmopolitanism, liberal constitutionalism and deliberative democracy, Jürgen Habermas and Ulrich Beck. His theories of sovereignty, the state of exception, dictatorship, constitutional law, the partisan, civil war, and international law and order, are today widely debated.
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Ett mäte med Karl Mannheims kusin.
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Carrer [Carreris], Pavlos [Carrer, Paolo; Karrer, Paul] (b Zante, 12 May 1829; d Zante, 7 June 1896). Greek composer. He is one of the leaders of the Ionian art music school and the first to create national operas and national songs on... more
Carrer [Carreris], Pavlos [Carrer, Paolo; Karrer, Paul] (b Zante, 12 May 1829; d Zante, 7 June 1896). Greek composer. He is one of the leaders of the Ionian art music school and the first to create national operas and national songs on Greek plots, Greek librettos and verses, and melodies inspired by the folk and the urban popular musical tradition of modern Greece.
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El período que comprende los meses de mayo de 2009-2010, se ha convertido, para la Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla, en una anualidad festiva que se ha denominado, de manera unipersonal, el Año Nieto. Dicha efemérides quiere conmemorar la... more
El período que comprende los meses de mayo de 2009-2010, se ha convertido, para la Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla, en una anualidad festiva que se ha denominado, de manera unipersonal, el Año Nieto. Dicha efemérides quiere conmemorar la llegada del barcelonés a la urbe española y norteafricana (14 mayo 1909) donde desarrollará toda su carrera profesional hasta su muerte en 1954
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