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Is there a way to only SELECT rows with certain data in a column, without using WHERE?

e.g. If I had this:

WHERE town = 'Townsville'

is there a way to implement the WHERE clause into the SELECT statement?

something like

SELECT *, town('Townsville') FROM Users

It's a bizarre question but it's one I've been asked by my peers

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put on hold as off-topic by Paul White 6 hours ago

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "Too localized - this could be because your code has a typo, basic error, or is not relevant to most of our audience. Consider revising your question so that it appeals to a broader audience. As it stands, the question is unlikely to help other users (regarding typo questions, see this meta question for background)." – Paul White
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

Ask them why they are asking this. Context is important. –  Aaron Bertrand 19 hours ago
@AaronBertrand, MikaelEriksson - Basically it's a little questionnaire about SQL at work, I've come across a question stating "Select all users from the users table that come from Townsville, without using a where clause" And, I didn't know that was possible! Maybe I'm approaching this the wrong way..? –  Josh Stevenson 19 hours ago
Also just stating that this questionnaire is in no way linked to my employement status with the company! It's just a bit of fun –  Josh Stevenson 18 hours ago
Closing this question now. It was a bit of fun, but it's not strictly on-topic :) –  Paul White 6 hours ago

9 Answers 9

Not sure if this is the kind of crazy thing you were looking for....

Disclaimer: I have absolutely no idea why you would want to use this.

FROM Users AS u
INNER JOIN (SELECT 'Townsville' town) towns 
  ON towns.town = u.Town;
share|improve this answer


DECLARE @Example AS table
    UserName varchar(30) NULL,
    Town varchar(30) NULL

INSERT @Example
    (UserName, Town)
    ('Aaron', 'Not Townsville'),
    ('Bob', 'Not Townsville'),
    ('Charles', 'Townsville'),
    ('Charles', 'Townsville'),
    ('Charles', 'Townsville'),
    ('Charles', 'Townsville'),
    ('Dan', 'Townsville'),
    ('Eric', 'Not Townsville');

Alternative solutions

SELECT E.UserName, E.Town
FROM @Example AS E
GROUP BY E.Town, E.UserName
HAVING E.Town = 'Townsville'

-- OR

SELECT E.UserName, 'Townsville' AS Town
FROM @Example AS E
HAVING 1 = MAX(CASE WHEN E.Town = 'Townsville' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END);

-- OR

SELECT E.UserName, E.Town
FROM @Example AS E
SELECT E.UserName, 'Townsville' AS Town
FROM @Example AS E

Retaining duplicates

-- :)
SELECT E.UserName, E.Town
FROM @Example AS E
GROUP BY E.Town, E.UserName, CA.n
HAVING E.Town = 'Townsville'

-- Simulating INTERSECT ALL
        rn =
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
                PARTITION BY E.UserName, E.Town 
                ORDER BY E.UserName, E.Town)
    FROM @Example AS E
        rn = 
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
            PARTITION BY E.UserName 
            ORDER BY E.UserName)
    FROM @Example AS E
) AS R;


║ UserName ║    Town    ║
║ Charles  ║ Townsville ║
║ Dan      ║ Townsville ║

For the final example:

║ UserName ║    Town    ║
║ Charles  ║ Townsville ║
║ Charles  ║ Townsville ║
║ Charles  ║ Townsville ║
║ Charles  ║ Townsville ║
║ Dan      ║ Townsville ║

Try it here: Stack Exchange Data Explorer

share|improve this answer
Very nice! I'm guessing I wouldn't be able to use this in a scenario where I don't have a column containing only unique data such as 'Username'? E.g. if I only had forename, surname, town. –  Josh Stevenson 18 hours ago
@JoshStevenson Correct, though I added a suitably mad way to preserve duplicates as the final example, and then a sensible one. –  Paul White 18 hours ago
For the GROUP BY solutions, you could also add the PK in the group by list (to be 100% sure that the queries return the same number of rows as the WHERE). Assuming of course that there is a PK ;) –  ypercube 16 hours ago

Another way.

FROM  dbo.Users U

(Repurposing Paul White's example data)

share|improve this answer
This is my favourite. –  Paul White 16 hours ago

"Just for fun" you can use an order by with top(1) with ties

select top(1) with ties *
from dbo.Users
order by case when town = 'Townsville' then 1 else 2 end;

This will order all rows with Townsville first since the case returns 1 if town = 'Townsville'. All other rows will have a 2 returned by the case.

The with ties clause makes the query return all rows that is a "tie" for the last place in the rows returned. Using top(1) in combination with with ties will then return all rows that has the same value as the first row in expression used in the order by clause.

Note, as Martin Smith pointed out in a comment, it will return all rows if you ask for a town that does not exist in the table.

If you don't fear the XML things of databases you could make use of a predicate in the nodes() function.

Borrowing the setup from Paul White.

select T.X.value('(UserName/text())[1]', 'varchar(30)') as UserName,
       T.X.value('(Town/text())[1]', 'varchar(30)') as Town
from (
     select *
     from @Example
     for xml path('row'), type 
     ) as C(X)
  cross apply C.X.nodes('/row[Town = "Townsville"]') as T(X);

Another version with top and order by that actually work when searching for not existing towns.

select top(
          select sum(case when town = 'Townsville' then 1 end)
          from @Example
          ) *
from @Example
order by case when town = 'Townsville' then 1 else 2 end
share|improve this answer

You have two different things here.

WHERE town = 'Townsville'

Will restrict the number of rows you get back to just those where town=Townsville

SELECT *, town('Townsville') FROM Users

Is going to pass the literal Townsville to a function called town. It will not restrict the rows returned by the query and in fact if the function returns anything but a single value you will get an error.

There are other ways to restrict the number of rows you get back from a query. The HAVING clause for example. But it has several other requirements.

SELECT town FROM Users
HAVING town = 'Townsville'

Or an INNER JOIN although this one is a bit weird if you don't have a second table.

INNER JOIN (SELECT 1 col1) UselessTable
    ON Users.town = 'Townsville'
share|improve this answer

Here is a idiotic entirely logical way to do it that I don't see yet....

SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE;  -- Our important work should be all the database cares about

DECLARE @MyTableVar table(<all columns in order from the user table>, oldtown VARCHAR(50));

UPDATE users
SET town = N'Townsville'
     inserted.*  -- We don't want to have to type out the columns because that would be too much work
INTO @MyTableVar;

--Display the result set of the table variable to prevent undesirables from sullying our output by inserting incorrect data even though we should have exclusive access.
SELECT * -- Select everything we want except for the 'oldtown' column because that data was probably wrong anyway
FROM @MyTableVar;

UPDATE u -- We don't want to be bad stewards of our data
    town = oldtown
FROM users u
    INNER JOIN @MyTableVar mtv ON mtv.town = u.town, <Match up all the columns to REALLY ensure we are matching the proper row>

COMMIT TRANSACTION -- Make sure we save our work

I can't imagine why this wasn't the first thing to be suggested. :)

share|improve this answer

Here is an example using a common table expression (CTE).

with Town as 
    select 'Townsville' as Town
select *
  from Users u
  join Town  t on u.Town = t.Town
share|improve this answer

Well you could do this:

    SELECT A.* 
    FROM Users A
         INNER JOIN Users B ON A.Id = B.Id AND B.town = 'Townsville'

Strictly speaking you're not using the WHERE clause

share|improve this answer
    case when town='Townsville' then 'Townsville' 
         else null 
    end as Town
FROM Users

All towns besides Townsville would be null. Problem solved.

share|improve this answer

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