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In this essay, I clarify how Scheler’s metaphysics could engender a concept of spiritual living rooted in Scheler’s value-hierarchy and I interpret Scheler’s later metaphysics pragmatically. By combining James and Scheler, I make sense of... more
In this essay, I clarify how Scheler’s metaphysics could engender a concept of spiritual living rooted in Scheler’s value-hierarchy and I interpret Scheler’s later metaphysics pragmatically. By combining James and Scheler, I make sense of spiritual living as an exercise in “strenuous living” James advocated in tension with a religious absolutism spoken about in his Pragmatism and The Moral Philosopher, and the Moral Life, and synthesize my own account of integral personalism that is both relevant for James and Scheler scholars alike. Integral personalism attempts to integrate the phenomenological categories opened up for pragmatic speculation by Scheler, and then ground these forces in the life-affirming depths pragmatism in James.
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There have been several attempts at constructing a Christian epistemology. My expectation for this paper is not to detail a comprehensive Christian epistemology. My hope, however, is to present a new epistemological model. In this model I... more
There have been several attempts at constructing a Christian epistemology. My expectation for this paper is not to detail a comprehensive Christian epistemology. My hope, however, is to present a new epistemological model. In this model I will attempt to set Cornelius Van Til’s thoughts into a coherent, unified relation to a kind of covenantal epistemology. Even in presenting this model, one paper would not be sufficient to the work it would demand. Therefore, I am setting out the framework for this new model as a kind of proposal in an attempt to test its viability. This model will accomplish three things. First, it will demonstrate the mark of a Triune God upon our four dimensional reality. Second, it will demonstrate that our epistemological structure can be seen in this Trinitarian analogy of dimensions. Third, it will demonstrate that a truly Van Tilian epistemology can fit most easily in a four-dimensional epistemology patterned after the ontological Trinity.
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Wittgenstein has shown that that life, in the sense that applies in the first place to human beings, is inherently linguistic. In this paper, I ask what is involved in language, given that it is thus essential to life, answering that... more
Wittgenstein has shown that that life, in the sense that applies in the first place to human beings, is inherently linguistic. In this paper, I ask what is involved in language, given that it is thus essential to life, answering that language – or concepts – must be both alive and the ground for life. This is explicated by a Wittgensteinian series of entailments of features. According to the first feature, concepts are not intentional engagements. The second feature brings life back to concepts by describing them as inflectible: Attitudes, actions, conversations and other engagements inflect concepts, i.e., concepts take their particular characters in our actual engagements. However, inflections themselves would be reified together with the life they ground unless they could preserve the openness of concepts: hence the third feature of re-inflectibility. Finally, the openness of language must be revealed in actual life. This entails the possibility of conceptual ambivalence.
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Originally published in: Hörcher, Ferenc: Esztétikai gondolkodás a felvilágosodás korában (1650-1800): Az ízlésesztétika paradigmája (Aesthetic Thought in the Age of Enlightenment (1650-1800): the Paradigm of the Aesthetics of Taste... more
Originally published in: Hörcher, Ferenc: Esztétikai gondolkodás a felvilágosodás korában (1650-1800): Az ízlésesztétika paradigmája
(Aesthetic Thought in the Age of Enlightenment (1650-1800): the Paradigm of the Aesthetics of  Taste
Budapest: Gondolat, 2013.
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The aim of this chapter is to demonstrate the relevance of Helmuth Plessner’s philosophical anthropology in the twenty-first century. In the first part of this chapter, I will argue that the heydays of philosophical anthropology in the... more
The aim of this chapter is to demonstrate the relevance of Helmuth Plessner’s philosophical anthropology in the twenty-first century. In the first part of this chapter, I will argue that the heydays of philosophical anthropology in the first half of the twentieth is closely connected with the (Darwinian) naturalization of the worldview. Whereas the debate on naturalization resulted in an unfruitful opposition between ‘greedy reductionism’ and a no less ‘greedy transcendentism,’ Plessner’s philosophical anthropology, presented in his magnum opus Die Stufen des Organischen undderMensch (1928), offered a promising ‘third way.’
In the second part of this chapter, I will discuss some of the objections that have been raised in the course of the twentieth century against the alleged essentialism and anthropocentrism of the project of philosophical anthropology, and which, at least according to the critics, suggest that philosophical anthropology has to face the same fate as its subject ‘man,’ which - to use the often quoted metaphor of Foucault - is about to be “erased like a face drawn in the sand at the edge of the sea” (Foucault 1970, 387). I will argue that, although Plessner is far from being a hardboiled essentialist or a defender of anthropocentrism, the critiques invite a revision of at least some elements of Plessner’s philosophical anthropology in order to make room for a necessary reflection upon the challenges we face at the beginning of the twenty-first century.
In the third and last part of my chapter, I will argue that such a revi­sion is especially needed in light of neo-Darwinism and the converging technologies that are intertwined with it. These technologies promise - or threaten, depending on one’s perspective - to give Foucault’s ‘End of Man’ a material turn. While classical Darwinism challenged the human place in cosmos mainly in theoretical terms, converging technologies like genetic modification, neuro-enhancement and electronic implants, have the po­tential to ‘overcome’ Homo sapiens sapiens as we know it in a more radical, practical sense.[1] This creates within us a certain urge towards fundamental post-essentialist and post-anthropocentric human self-reflection. The claim I will underpin is that Plessner’s anthropology still offers a fruitful starting point for the development of this ‘philosophical anthropology 2.0.’ I will demonstrate this by a critical re-interpretation of Plessner’s three ‘anthro­pological laws’ in light of the aforementioned converging technologies.
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„Czym jest życie?” – oto pytanie, na które niniejsza książka stara się znaleźć odpowiedź. W tym celu podąża śladem badań i rozważań Helmutha Plessnera (1892-1985), jednego z czołowych przedstawicieli niemieckiej antropologii... more
„Czym jest życie?” – oto pytanie, na które niniejsza książka stara się znaleźć odpowiedź. W tym celu podąża śladem badań i rozważań Helmutha Plessnera (1892-1985), jednego z czołowych przedstawicieli niemieckiej antropologii filozoficznej. Proponowana odpowiedź nie ma jednak charakteru naukowego. Życie nie jest rozumiane jako wypadkowa procesów biochemicznych zachodzących w organizmie. Nie jest również traktowane jako metafizyczna własność, której źródłem byłaby na przykład dusza. Pojmuje się je raczej jako kompleksowe zjawisko, które można zrozumieć dopiero po rozpatrzeniu organizmu w kontekście jego środowiska. To poszerzone spojrzenie – zwane „oglądem” – pozwala zrozumieć biologiczne funkcje organizmu jako sensowne reakcje, ich całość zaś jako spójny proces życia.

Książka składa się z trzech części. W pierwszej omówiona zostaje koncepcja poznania, która wyjaśnia znaczenie oglądu. Jest to jedyne nastawienie poznawcze umożliwiające dostrzeżenie i zrozumienie zachowania organizmu żywego. Druga część stanowi krytyczną analizę Plessnerowskiej filozofii życia oraz przyrody. Kwestiom tym Plessner poświęcił swoje najważniejsze dzieło Die Stufen des Organischen und der Mensch (Warstwy bytu organicznego i człowiek, 1928). Tematem części trzeciej jest antropologia filozoficzna, która jest tutaj potraktowana zarówno jako dopełnienie przedstawionej filozofii życia, jak i jej ostateczne uzasadnienie. Prezentowane w tej książce rozważania domykają się w zamknięty projekt filozoficzny, który swoim zasięgiem obejmuje zarówno świat roślin i zwierząt, jak i świat ludzki, włącznie z jego aspektem kulturowym, społecznym i politycznym.
This paper identifies an integrated teaching strategy that was originally developed for engineers, the so-called ‘micro-insertion’ approach, as a practical and effective means to teach ethics at business schools. It is argued that... more
This paper identifies an integrated teaching strategy that was originally developed for engineers, the so-called ‘micro-insertion’ approach, as a practical and effective means to teach ethics at business schools. It is argued that instructors can incorporate not only generic or thematic learning objectives for students into this method (i.e., the intended content of what is being taught: in our case, an underlying ethical base for doing business) but also do so via a strategically integrated approach regarding the appropriate mix and timing of these micro-insertions. With this in mind, we propose a qualitative and example-based approach that endeavors to provide a versatile way for business teachers to incorporate ethics into their general business classes. We also present a conceptual and theoretical framework that underpins this method, and we further provide a set of specific examples and a practical table that show how business instructors might integrate ethics-oriented micro-insertions into their teaching.
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This study examines the function of the vis cogitativa in Thomas Aquinas’s doctrine of antecedent and consequent passions. It builds upon recent scholarship concerning his understanding of the way virtuous passions can contribute to... more
This study examines the function of the vis cogitativa in Thomas Aquinas’s doctrine of antecedent and consequent passions. It builds upon recent scholarship concerning his understanding of the way virtuous passions can contribute to deliberation and practical reasoning, by explicating the way the cogitative power is integrated into acts of practical reason, is essential to all acts of moral perception, and specifies the passions of the sensitive appetites. In order to clarify a number of ambiguous features of Aquinas’s doctrine of antecedent and consequent passions and the obedience of the passions to reason, this paper makes use of an analogous account of antecedent and consequent cogitative estimations that causally specify these different passions. It then compares the way prudence and other habits of practical reason enhance the acts of cogitative moral perceptions that specify the sensitive appetites in temperate, continent, and incontinent persons.
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In den letzten Jahren hat sich das Spektrum soziologischer Themen und Grundlagenfragen erweitert. Die vormals übliche Gleichsetzung von Menschlichem und Sozialem wird nicht nur infrage gestellt, sondern selbst zum Gegenstand gemacht. Aus... more
In den letzten Jahren hat sich das Spektrum soziologischer Themen und Grundlagenfragen erweitert. Die vormals übliche Gleichsetzung von Menschlichem und Sozialem wird nicht nur infrage gestellt, sondern selbst zum Gegenstand gemacht. Aus der Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung stammt die Forderung, dass die Beobachtung interpersoneller Beziehungen auf Dinge und Technik auszuweiten ist. Daneben hat sich ein Forschungsfeld etabliert, in dessen Rahmen eigens die Bedingungen und Verläufe gesellschaftlicher Grenzziehungsprozesse analysiert werden.

Der Frage nach den Grenzen der Sozialwelt liegt die zentrale These zugrunde, dass es historisch kontingent ist, wie in Gesellschaften der Kreis allgemein anerkannter Sozialwesen begrenzt wird. Die Pointe ist, dass die Frage, wer eine soziale Person ist und was nicht, sich nicht theoretisch, sondern nur empirisch beantworten lässt, indem die praktische Realisierung gesellschaftlicher Wirklichkeitsbildung in den Blick genommen wird.

Die reflexive Wendung auf den soziologischen Gegenstand ist nicht nur eine theore-tische, sondern vor allem auch eine methodologische Herausforderung. Auf den Punkt gebracht: Wie lässt sich die anthropologische Differenz der Moderne in den Blick nehmen, ohne diese Differenz bei der Beobachtung bereits vorauszusetzen?

Dieses Buch schlägt eine reflexive Verzahnung von Sozialtheorie und empirischer Analyse vor. Im ersten Teil werden die Anforderungen in Auseinandersetzung mit Konzepten Helmuth Plessners und Gesa Lindemanns erörtert sowie die ‚Theorie historischer Wissens-ordnungen‘ in Weiterentwicklung der ‚Neuen Wissenssoziologie‘ von Peter L. Berger und Thomas Luckmann vorgestellt. Der zweite Teil bringt den methodologischen und theoretischen Ansatz zur Anwendung. Im Zentrum steht hier die Analyse der spanischen Kolonialismusdebatte zwischen Bartolomé de Las Casas und Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda während der Junta von Valladolid Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts. Der Vergleich von moderner und frühneuzeitlicher Wissensordnung zeigt die Variabilität der Bedingungen und Formen praktischer Wissensproduktion: Eine allgemein geltende Grenze zwischen dem Sozialen und Nicht-Sozialen, wie dies für die westliche Moderne gilt, ist am Beginn der Frühen Neuzeit weder denkbar noch möglich.
Artykuł podejmuje zagadnienie zaskakującej przemiany Aleksandra Zinowjewa. Z powodu krytyki sytemu komunistycznego ten znany radziecki logik został zmuszony do emigracji. Już na Zachodzie opublikował powieść Homo sovieticus, która... more
Artykuł podejmuje zagadnienie zaskakującej przemiany Aleksandra Zinowjewa. Z powodu krytyki sytemu komunistycznego ten znany radziecki logik został zmuszony do emigracji. Już na Zachodzie opublikował powieść Homo sovieticus, która przyniosła mu rozgłos i wprowadziła tytułowy termin do powszechnego obiegu. Człowiek radziecki Zinowjewa stanowił karykaturę swojego propagandowego prototypu. Żyjąc w warunkach socjalizmu realnego – a nie tego głoszonego w ideologii – człowiek ten był egoistą i konformistą, walczącym jedynie o wyższą pozycję w społecznej hierarchii. Po upadku ZSRR Zinowjew stał się jednak żarliwym obrońcą poprzedniego systemu. Dokonał apologii stalinizmu i uznał radziecki komunizm za najlepszy porządek w dziejach ludzkości. Tęsknota za przeszłością łączyła się w jego przypadku z ukazaniem poradzieckiej Rosji jako kraju poranionego i zdegenerowanego. Artykuł przedstawia zasadnicze rysy myśli Zinowjewa – zarówno z jego wczesnego jak i późnego okresu – i rzutuje jej rozwój na płaszczyznę historyczną. Zinowjew był człowiekiem Zachodu wrzuconym w świat radziecki. Na Zachodzie jednak i w skolonizowanej przez Zachód Rosji przemienił się w człowieka Wschodu.
Botticelli and Tizian depict the Annunciation in two very different ways. Botticelli portrays a kneeling angel in an act of guiding from below, while Tizian represents an angel imposing himself from above with an authoritarian forefinger.... more
Botticelli and Tizian depict the Annunciation in two very different ways. Botticelli portrays a kneeling angel in an act of guiding from below, while Tizian represents an angel imposing himself from above with an authoritarian forefinger. Botticelli's painting suggests an intention of orientation that is not authoritarian yet able to bring about a transformation (Umbildung). It also suggests that an individual's transformation cannot be achieved in a closed solipsistic dimension, but requires a disclosure from otherness.
My theory is that at the origin of ethics there is a non-authoritarian way of orientation that comes from otherness and arises from the emotional sphere thanks to a "care of desire". The expression cura sui has often been interpreted as a care confined to a private and solipsistic dimension with the aim of strengthening the self-referential subject. By "care of desire" I mean a care not turned upon itself but made possible by a disclosure coming from otherness and addressed to the transformation of the individual and of society. In the human existence, emotions reveal an extraordinary plasticity. They are not already regulated by instinct but develop and get to maturity even many years after biological birth. Moreover, this maturation process does not follow a universal process identical for everyone, being different for every individual. In fact it finds its realization in the unique order of feelings (ordo amoris) that characterizes every individual. Emotions guide actions and the way we interact with the others and with the world. In the human existence they become plastic and don't have only a homeostatic function of self-regulation. They give flexibility to our way of perceiving, of existing and of taking our position in the world. The care of desire is dedicated to the plasticity of emotions and makes ethics, i.e. a person's formation process (Bildung) and flourishing, possible. It also allows the transition from the “environmental closedness” (Umweltgeschlossenheit) to the world-openness (Weltoffenheit). To sum up, the care of desire implies the transition from a solipsistic self-care to a “care for world-openness”. From this point of view, emotion is no more the secondary result of a cognitive process, but at the origin of every formative, perceptive and cognitive process: In the beginning was the emotion. Yet in this process of creative transformation not every emotion has the same significance: at the core of emotions’ plasticity there are love and wonder (thaumàzein), whose peculiar feature is “lack of envy” (aphthonoi).
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