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Group Info Group Founded 6 Years ago Statistics 8,618 Members
173,783 Pageviews7,497 Watchers









Group Info

Serving anime and manga ("animanga") artists globally, we provide tutorials, features, and much more for those that love anime and manga as art. We are devoted to link and join those with a passion for animanga art and are here for you today. We have higher standards for art submissions than other groups, but critiques are given to anyone who asks!
Founded 6 Years ago
Dec 8, 2009


Group Focus
Art Creation

8,618 Members
7,497 Watchers
173,783 Pageviews
Daily Pageviews



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Weekly Stats

nothing happening
17 accepted
45 accepted, 59 denied
nothing happening
nothing happening


Group Rules

-have access to all folders aside from the featured folder (which is reserved for moderator artwork)
-you do not have to be an artist to join this group

-if you feel you are ready to join our group as a moderator, please understand that you will be voted on, and we will expect you to help with admin work (this includes voting on member submissions, offering criqitues to members when requested, and taking part in the moderation team talks, etc)
-moderators that do not fulfil their responsibilities will be demoted to regular member status
-your artwork must be of group level
If you do not feel this position is right for you, please join as a regular member instead.


Only submit finished artwork that you are proud of.
This group has above-average standards, and submissions are moderated and accepted at the moderation team's discretion. If you are not a serious artist and don't want to improve and challenge yourself, this may not be the right group for you to submit to.

- you may submit one picture per week

-mature content must be labeled as such

- any original characters must have evidence of anime/manga stylizations (ie no realism or Americanized cartoons), however style is disregarded if the subject is an already established anime or manga character

- stolen, traced, copied or directly referenced artwork is not accepted

-colouring lineart that was not done by you is not allowed, unless the artwork is a consented collaboration decided by both yourself and the other artist beforehand

- We do not, and will not ever accept substandard tutorials; pages full of eyes, tutorials with no explanations and/or are poorly explained, and tutorials drawn by artists that obviously don't know what they're doing wil not be accepted. Works-in-progress screen captures are NOT tutorials.

- you may suggest a favourite, but keep in mind that these are also accepted by voting.

- If your work does not meet our standards, we will decline your submission.
- To receive a critique for your artwork if declined, please write a comment in your Correspondence Message log only. Inquiring via NOTE is not recommended, as your piece may only be declined because of submission to the inappropriate folder. Notes do not tell us which folder you submitted into, unfortunately.
- Due to the number of people asking for critiques, we may fail to answer everybody's inquiry, and it may not be guaranteed but we do assure you that we are doing our best to get back to everyone to give a detailed, constructive criticism.

Judging Parameters:

Anatomy: This is most important aspect of a picture.
Colouring Technique: Must be clean and organized as per style. Rushed jobs are not appreciated.
Detail Level: Attention to detail is important, but keep in mind that too many details can be overkill.
Action and Emotion: The artwork should send a message as to what the artist is trying to portray. Setting is important.
Effort: The is a huge difference between a picture that had half an hour devoted to it, and a picture that had three hours devoted.
Originality: This contains all of the above, and how the artwork feels to us. Creating an interesting image with perspective, good execution and personality is important.

:bulletblue::bulletpink::bulletyellow: Mascot/Icon design by FranyBerry:bulletblue::bulletpink::bulletyellow:
Even though I asked in a previous journal entry for people NOT to ask for critiques, we still get quite a few "why was this declined?", quite a few "my work is better than their work, but why did you let their picture in and not mine?", and quite a few "my work expired, fix it!!" comments. So let me respond to all of those right here:

We are SERIOUSLY under-staffed. A year ago we had 30 active admins contributing, voting, doing critiques, etc. Then people lost interest, got distracted with RL stuff, or just kind of fell off the face of the earth (or, better yet, some contributed their art but wouldn't do any of the voting or critiques). So after all that, we now only have maybe six or seven active admins helping run everything. That means when we are split on voting, we sometimes don't have anyone else to step in and break a tie for us, and a picture expires. Because of this, we recently reduced the number of votes it takes for a picture to make it in. However, this means at times the quality will vary-- now only three people have to vote Yes for a picture, meaning if those three people all happen to be strict voters, your chances go down. If we have three voters who like everything, your chances go up. We don't have the well-rounded system of voters we once had, and a split vote sometimes means a pic ends up in voting limbo if we don't just vote whichever side has more votes, yes or no.

We'd really like to get a few more contributors, but here's the deal; contributor submissions get voted on too, just like everyone else, so you don't just get a free pass. You need to be ready to vote on at least ten-twenty submissions a day (though more would be great if you could swing it, since we get about 80 submissions a day now), and once we get critiques open again we'll need you to help with that. We only allow contributors in if they have a pretty decent gallery, update their sites frequently, and can speak English fair enough to do critiques and answer questions.  Yes, you may be turned down, so keep that in mind before you apply. If you want to note us with some samples of your work, you may. If you just link to your gallery we will probably only look through your more recent works.

Also of note, we will demote any contributors who go inactive for three months from contributor to just a regular member.

So there you go! Please don't ask for critiques just yet-- once we get new contributors we are going to work out a better system to answer questions and such, but for now we've only got a handful of people who can really do anything at all. To those of you getting expired entries, we are SO sorry. We've had a lot of those and that's why we decided to make this entry and explain what's going on, and to invite anyone who is pretty confident in their work and  thinks they can help out to help us out.

If we can't find anyone, we may just have to make this a free for all site, but that would greatly lower the standards of our group and there are already tons of groups out there that accept any and all submissions. We'd rather offer a challenge, but right now it's a bit tricky.
Well it was certainly tough voting, because there were so many beautiful entries... but without further adieu, we present the winners for the mascot contest!

:bulletpink:First Place:bulletpink:

:bulletorange:Second Place:bulletorange:

:bulletyellow:Third Place:bulletyellow:

:bulletgreen:Honourable Mention:bulletgreen:






Prize winners will be contacted and the icon will be changed (at last!) within the next few days, so hang tight!

All of use here on the staff team would once again like to thank you so much for all the entries! Without our members, this group would never have been able to grow as much as we have (and still are!)

-AnimangaArtists Staff Team
More Journal Entries


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CeonArtEternity Featured By Owner 2 days ago  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Thank you for the accept :D
Slarwen Featured By Owner Jul 7, 2015  Student General Artist
Hey thank you for accepting me!
CMoonToon Featured By Owner Edited Jul 3, 2015  Student Traditional Artist
may I ask why my art was declined? o:

Luminanza Featured By Owner Apr 1, 2015  Student Digital Artist
Dear aspiring, young or bored artists, manga and anime is welcome;
We'll be printing an art book this spring, non-profit and not reproduced - only to feature aspiring artists! The book will be brought to conventions this summer and fall so as many people as possible can look at your work. To be in the book, join my contest - ALL entries will get a place in the final book with a link to your page or an email to contact you. (Unless you'd rather not be featured, that is an option too.) All about the rules here: 
The Artist Feature Contest (Updated prizes)Hey guys!
To help me expand and explore this universe a little, I want to throw a contest. The goal is to gather up some artworks that I can feature when I go to conventions this summer and of course when I get back to Canada after the break. - I'm planning to put together a book of my process work and pictures relating to this project, and in the back I want to feature you guys!
I know that in a way, this is asking you to work for free, but I really could use your help to gather enough material, and I want to pay you back by adding more prizes the more people join in + featuring you guys as much as I can. If you have more suggestions for prizes, let me know!
1. Your piece has to contain at least one of these characters: Ty, Wynne or Volvar. 
2. Any media is allowed, drawings, digital, paper-cut-outs, knock yourself out!
3. The scene and situation can be anything you want, but it has to relate to the word "Light". (Sunshine? Weight? Light in
VioletPerro16 Featured By Owner Mar 1, 2015  Hobbyist General Artist
You guys should have a super albino llama badge for this group. It's awesome!
xhlliez08 Featured By Owner Dec 13, 2014  Hobbyist Traditional Artist
Bunny Emoji-87 (Thanks) [V5]  for accepting me I'm just new here at DA....Bonnie Warfstache 
Minoki-chan Featured By Owner Oct 24, 2014  Hobbyist Digital Artist
My works are not completely dealt with, I will add it again, if not dealt with, depart from the group.
dieliala Featured By Owner Oct 5, 2014  Hobbyist Digital Artist
I can't submit o.o
LeandroLawliet Featured By Owner Oct 2, 2014  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Hello everyone. Thank for accepting the request. :D
Clovermei Featured By Owner Oct 2, 2014  Student Artist
Cool, thanks for accepting me c:
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