There is no quick relief in sight for thousands of former Corinthian College students seeking loan forgiveness in the wake of the for-profit giant's collapse.

The Obama administration says it will take time to get through thousands of claims for student loan forgiveness (AP Photo/Christine Armario).

Employers can no longer check job applicants’ credit histories.

More and more baby boomers are still paying off the house after they’ve stopped working.

Post columnist Michelle Singletary offers her advice and answers your questions.



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Six money milestones to hit while you’re in your 30s

Time to think beyond the house and the 401(k).

A lot of people have figured out the easiest way to lower their student loan payments

But they're missing a critical deadline to stay in the government's program.

How to buy a car by e-mail

Here are a few steps to help you find the best deal before you set foot on the lot.

Don't expect the deals to end on Labor Day either.

Will parents take enough time off for their newborns if their superiors don’t?

And if a loved one is irresponsible with money, sometimes you can only watch the financial disaster unfold.

Sometimes the biggest obstacle to saving is psychological.

Despite a roller coaster ride, the Dow Jones industrial average ended the week with a 1.1 percent gain.

Publisher of site about paying for college condensed his expertise into “twisdoms” — tweetable wisdoms.

Five things you can do now to get your financial house in order.

Post columnist Michelle Singletary offers her advice and answers your questions.

Also: Readers weigh in on the fallout from the Ashley Madison hack.

No family wants to envision a child withdrawing from school, but with the high cost of college some parents are planning ahead.

How do your living expenses compare to the rest of the country?

Use the fear you felt this week as motivation to become better informed about your holdings.

Use today to make sure you're still following your long-term plan. But it's not time to panic.

HUD’s approach to diluting poverty in public housing doesn’t hold up under scrutiny.

Raiding your savings to pay their college tuition could result in you relying on them in your old age.

Financial apps are evolving from tools to see balances and deposit checks, to programs that nurture healthy financial habits.

After inching up in ratings, Discover earned the top spot in the customer satisfaction ranking this year.

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