Sponsored Posts Experiment

There’s an old saying … You’ll never make the shot you don’t take. It’s in that spirit I’m announcing that, starting today, I’ll be experimenting with some new advertising here in the form of sponsored posts. I’m doing things with a different approach, so hopefully you’ll give me the opportunity to explain the program in more detail.

Disclosure: First off, I will disclose all sponsored posts at the top and bottom of the posts. I’m not trying to sneak anything past you.

Paid Links: I’m not tempting the Google gods so all links will be nofollowed and pass through an advertising redirect that is blocked for search spiders. Overkill, sure, but that’s the playground we’re all in.

Vetting: I’m going to look into previewing the destination site/service/product beforehand. If something doesn’t look right and I can’t resolve it with the advertiser, you’ll never see it here.

Low Volume: I’m limiting the number of sponsored posts to a maximum of two per month.

If you’re an advertiser, this presents some interesting opportunities for you:

Custom Content: I’d like to give you a really one-of-a-kind, unique opportunity to communicate with the people you want to reach as your potential customers. We can use a number of interesting avenues like interviews, in depth product reviews, videos, tutorials, and so on. I’d like to offer the ability to do something you can’t do anywhere else. If you want to run your own copy, that’s an option too.

Visibility: In addition to getting your content in front of all of the RSS subscribers (15K at the time of this post), your ad will be placed in the top left corner of this website for the duration of your campaign. See the diagram below for an example. You will have that spot exclusively during the time your ad runs. More detailed traffic stats available upon request.

Open Scheduling: You can schedule your ad to run whenever you want (provided that someone else hasn’t reserved that time period). You can choose a two week run time or four week run time.

Long Term Content: It’s my intention to keep your post available in the archives of this blog for as long as it’s on the web. If for some reason I am legally or morally compelled to remove your ad, or some irreversible technical issue comes up, it will be dealt with on a case by case basis, but it’s my intention to keep your post up. Additionally, if there aren’t any new scheduled ads, I’ll sometimes mix old ads in rotation.

Hopefully I’ve hit the high points, but I’ll add info here as questions come up. Want to find out how you can get involved in this opportunity? Stop by the contact form. Think this is the worst idea ever? Go ahead over to the contact form and let me know.

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